TV in Qatar
Hi i am sure there are UK expats on this site who can assist.
What TV standard is available in Qatar. PAL if so which version?
Just wondering if I should bring my new UK LCD to Qatar or not, if PAL system is not same as UK no point to bring it (other than play back of DVD) and have to sell it in the UK.
Alternatively, if TV in compounds etc is delivery by satellite and each house has got its own set top box, then i can bring TV of course as the tuner of STB would be used rather than TV.
 Hopefully not being too techie, i suppose the guys on the forum will know and girls if you know, surprise me!
as for TV in general, what cable/satelite services are available. Any one got BSkyB with UK STB and viewing card?
thx for the adviseÂ
Qatar uses the same PAL broadcast system as the UK so feel free to bring your TV.
BSkyB is not available in Qatar. I don't think it's available outside the UK and Ireland.
Some compunds have Q-Tel's cable service but it's better for you to have your own receiver and subscribe to either Showtime or Orbit
You can choose the package that you want. The websites have detailed info.
You can view satellite programming that's broadcast on Hotbird, Nilesat and Arabsat. That's it.