Suggest a place to live

I have got a job in Doha, Qatar and will be moving there mid of March. My office is located at Westbay area (new citi center) and MovenPick towers & suites. I want to know what are all the best residential areas to live nearby. I am looking for half hour commute one way and ready to pay upto QR7500 for a 2 bedroom (unfurnished) appt.
I will be moving with my wife and 2 kids (aged 4 & 2). Please advice....
Thanks for your help in advance
to be honest, you'd probably take a minimum of 25 minutes anywereh with morning traffic.
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If that is the case, is there any good residential area in between DPS and westbay so that we both travel around 15-20 mins..
DPS is kinda far from these places...(opposite direction) during school hours it takes more than 25 mints one way. School bus comes to these areas... if you are comfortable sending the lil one in the bus. They do take good care of small children.
Thank you and much appreicate all your help.
I am planning to put my kids in DPS. How difficult is it to get admission and how far would it be from these places?
You can get a F/F 2BR apartment in Musharibb Towers for QR 7500-8500. travel time 15 minutes (one way).
Your preferred location would be , Bin omran, MadinaKhalifa,
Dafna/West bay area rentals are expensive you wont find a two bed apartment for that money. You can get two bed apartments near TV Round About/ Markhiya/Bin Omran just 10 to 15 mints drive to City Centre.