Qtel NoIntenet/TV for 7 days

We don't have any Internet or TV service since last Tuesday. Is this typical for Qtel? I have heard it all, from they are working on it now, to it is listed as urgent, to someone is coming today. Is there really a 48 hour response? I have called many times 111, is there something else I should do? Anyone had a problem like that? Is Vodafone better here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think he might be able to help...
call 111 and report it. i did have some problems with my internet connection. i called them Sunday afternoon, they send me a text message with the case reference number. the next day (Monday) the technician came and fixed the problem (replacing the faulty modem)
I quess that is why Qtel has no problem having me wait for 8 days today. Since this is my only choice I should be greatful for the days I do have service. Cheers to monopoly!
Dear you dont have any other option beside qtel coz vodafone is not offering internet & TV...!!
Go to vodafone for what? Are they now offering TV and Internet services?
You will get no help over the phone. Go into any Q-tel office and stand there and demand to see the manager. Tell them if he doesn't restore your service TODAY, and credit you for the last month then you will be forced to go with vodofone. Sometimes it takes someone actually standing up for themselves for them to understand you are serious. Be agressive.