Mail Forwarding Services
I will need to sign up with a mail forwarding service before I move from the USA to Qatar. I've never used one before so I don't know how well they work. Do any of you use one, which one is it, how much does it cost, and are happy with it?
I subscribe to quite a few magazines and I'm not sure if I should cancel all of them before coming or if I should have them sent to me by the mail forwarding service along with the bills and letters.
Will magazines get hung up in customs? None of my magazines have any objectionable material. Just ones like Ladies Home Journal, Focus on the Family, Country Magazine, and some church magazines.
In all probability the Ministry of Information censors will get a hold of them first. What you might think is not objectionable may not necessarily be their take on things. Aramex works in exactly the same way as USAbox.
The technology of the Remote Control Mail Online Post Office Box and Mail Forwarding Service cannot be beat. It's what all the expatriates use, and it's patent-pending, so you don't have to worry about your vendor getting a cease and desist letter some day to tell them to stop using this proprietary method of displaying postal mail and allowing you to take all sorts of actions on it -- just like email.
It's also the least expensive, in spite of its superior features!
Good luck in Qatar!
I looked up and it looks like a great one. I like how you can see your mail online, so you can decide if you want them to discard to send it. Thanks, Gumbo!
Exactly how do you forward mail to Doha using Aramax from the States? How does the cost compare to FedEx? How long does it take? What are the price breaks per weight, for instance so many dollars up to 1/2 kg, etc.?
I did forwarding to Europe before and I got my papers regularly.
I did both. Notice to both Post office and magazine. Still.... Something went wrong.
la Jolla, are you using a mail forwarding service? Or did you just give your new address to the magazines themselves and your new address is too far for them to forward? Because normally magazines won't be forwarded overseas without a mail forwarding service.
I forwarded my magazines 18 months ago and still waiting them to come....... Bet they come by camel. Vogue, Lucky, Elle, US today.... Till today, I don't receive a single one.
ARAMAX is what I use to forward things from a US mailbox to Qatar
Heh, Dunno about those... but you can get Comso, Vogue and such over here. Once you come here you can look around and see if they are available here. And if not, i'm pretty sure there won't be any customs problem with the magz.