Living outside of Doha

Hello /salaaam,
I'm wondering about the cities/towns outside of Doha ... what are they like? What types of housing can be found outside of Doha? ...
We're a family of 6 so we're looking for a compound or villa. Found a listing in Umm Salal Ali which looks great and looks like a real bargain ... but doing some research it's about 40km outside of Doha. Dh's job will be in Al Saad. Havn't found school for my child yet, but surely the school will be in Doha ... so wondering is it worth looking outside of Doha for housing ? Any experiences to share? Thanks!
Thank you all for the insight! I'll take a look!
good idea.better connectivity to Doha through Shamal rd.
Ain Khalid will be a nice area once salwa road is finish bt now it is a nightmare....certain places in Al Saad r nice and very lively but it is crowded nd parking even in ur accommodation can be a issue. I live in the Laqtah...Gharrafa part of qatar and I love look there and I think close by to where I live r places vacant...
Too far!
try ain khalid area
oh really MaryCatherine? Thanks for that info ... didn't know that!
40km may not seem far but traffic is dire here at peak school/work times. Not feasible imho. Also getting a place in schools here can be extremely difficult - most savvy people try to get school places first then look for accomodation.
You should found ur accomadation near by Al sadd too
Thanks Spybot!
Not a great idea, too and fro on a daily bases can become very unnerving