job opportunities

hello everyone
i have just finished my studies in architecture and i am considering seeking a job in qatar as an architect. i would be grateful if anyone could tell me what are the chances for a freshman to find a job in qatar and give me some tips of how i could make that possible. i can speak greek, english, french and arabic.
thank you all in advance
Architect is what Qatar really wants. Its just a matter of time that you need to give. Usually the month of May and the month of December are the job crunch times as a lot of students and especially Qatari students graduate from universities here. But after a few months or two, things get alrite!
If you are still without a job, I would recommend to do a part-time anywhere, anyhow...this would be really help full for your CV too. Some private companies here in Qatar do need architects in huge numbers..especially the ones working in the New Doha International Airport...try and see if you can seek a contact!
i ll keep that in mind! thank you very much for your tips!
If you speak Arabic well, you stand a better chance of landing a job in Qatar as compared to those non-Qatari fresh graduates who don't. You can try your luck for that very rare possibility. However as pointed out above, fresh recruitment are less in numbers and hence locals are preferred over anyone arriving from across seven seas. Don't want to discourage you but my suggestion will be to go ahead and add at least a couple of years as your post educational experience before taking a plunge. Companies here would look for results rather than allowing you time to gain experience.
Good Luck
i see.. the thing is that job opportunities here are limited too and i only have a two months experience from my internship. it s too bad though because many young people are willing to work hard and learn fast, so not giving up will be my moto!
thank you so much for answering!
for fresh grads you pretty much have to know someone, as Qatari fresh grads are usually the only ones getting hired without any experience.