Internet at The Pearl?

By SequinMiner •
Am 90% sure I'm going to take an apartment at The Pearl but the leasing agent confessed that Qtel is having serious internet speed issues to The Pearl at the moment.
Any current residents out there that can comment or are you waiting for the page to refresh??
I looooooooooooove the pearl, we have an apartment at Porto Arabia, the place is so nice, but forget internet!! It sucks, it is super slow, video conferencing never works because of connection speeds!
I love living at the Pearl but the continued lack of internet access is absolutely absurd. Probably the reason why most businesses on the Piazza only accept cash is simply because they are unable to do Point of Sale transactions. How a Developer targeting a luxury, web centric demographic without this is simply beyond me. Sadly even Qtel is winning the public relations war with the recent article about FTTH Fiber to the Home test project completed to West Bay Lagoon. Qtel's to the bridge, hopefully UDC will see its way to "the last mile". Hopefully Vodaphone will park a mobile tower on the beach and beat everyone to the punch with mobile broadband. We'll see.
NOTE: Speed tests show .2mbp thats .2 kids conisistent, no more. EVER.
As a matter of biology; if it bites you it's probably female.
Abuimad..... It is not the case. UDC has to pay a fee (which is huge for a development like this) for Q tel to connect. They were in negotiations but failed to get any where. What the morons in UDC management did is to connect through few lines available and share the same with buildings though UDC network. This is like one person take an internet connection and distribute to 100 people. What kind of speed you expect from that.
All the building in peral are wired to better standard than required by Qtel. Its only the problem with UDC
internet in the pearl is a joke....if you fancy opening a page going to work and coming back with it being 75% loaded...then the pearl is the place for u
The problem is, Qtel can not connect to your unit because UDC never wired up their buildings in a way which would allow Qtel to provide internet or most of its other services, so instead they have a few "temporary" lines feeding the island, and those few lines are then distributed to all tenants/owners/residents/business etc
but on the bright side, this solution is temporary, and judging by the term temporary, it has only been about 8 months since we had this connection....probably another 8 months and things will look more rosy...
Nice one
Chuckling, Hi snessy, great idea, internet here makes me WISH and DREAM of the internet days at Ezdan ;)
As a matter of biology; if it bites you it's probably female.
SequinMiner, I don't know about the Pearl but whilst you're still at Ezdan ask them to reset the router every so often. I used to rent there and I was able to watch my slingbox with no problems at all, I had a great connection, I was in tower 2 on the 30th floor if that helps :-)
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
Check out the W apartments... they got some baller ones!
i rented one for a month for about 27,000 but that was a 2 bedroom apt, real nice tho!
If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.
Thats what I was also told by the leasing office as well...:/
I have a bi-monthly meeting with Qtel in my professional life and if thats any indication of how Qtel works I might have to go back to reading books...
That said, the apartment really is quite nice and the view is amazing so it takes the sting out of it a bit! :)
As a matter of biology; if it bites you it's probably female.
but to get a better/clearer reception, you have to go to the balcony.
Wireless internet? I don't think so. Coz there is that cable connection to the laptop. But as I said, they are informing the tenants that QTEL is working on having a tower(?) to improve the services.
It's late and I'm not thinking, you have to go out on the balcony from T4 or T5 to get cellular???? Thats not good! So much for my usb modem workaround.
As a matter of biology; if it bites you it's probably female.
How slow is slow Azi? I'm at the Ezdan for a couple more days and it takes roughly 3-8 seconds to load google, 10+ seconds to load any mail account and surfing/video calling is a thing of the past. Moving out there Feb 1 and debating whether I take my chances with (presuming Qtel) internet or just spring for Qtel USB cellular modem and unlimited data plan? Had heard...and this is one big whopping rumour that internet fix was in the 30-60 day pipe as vodafone was pushing to bring service to compete.
As a matter of biology; if it bites you it's probably female.
and we have to go to the balcony/terrace if we want to receive/make a phone call.
According to the front desk, they're working on it :)
Thats my hope Eby, will let you know as I may be getting the keys Feb 1.
As a matter of biology; if it bites you it's probably female.
It could be an initial glich, if there is one at all it would be resolved .. come on.. u have the big pride of qatar out there and they have internet issue !!!
Im 100% sure that i will never take an apartment there , So i will just wish you a good luck .
internet sucks big time at the pearl. i suggest you find another place. you'll be in for a rude awakening when it comes to internet connections at the pearl.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy....Martin Luther King