How is KAHRAMAA as an employer ?

By qatar_expat12 •
How is Kahramaa (Qatar General Water & Electricity Distribution Corporation) as an employer ? I have been recently offered a Managerial post in the Company. What is their reputation in the market ? Do they have a practice of retrenching employees ?
Hi, I am given offer at Kahramma as Engineer Telecom, with family status and air tickets. The gross salary is 17000 QR, is this good offer. please advise.
Also you mentioned Qatar General Water & Electricity Distribution Corporation, which is wrong. The actual one is minus the 'distribution'
all managerial and head of section positions are reserved for Qatari's. In the whole of Kahramaa, there is only one department that has a non-qatari as a manager. Please check about the position you will be offered again. All packages offered before April 2009 were good, now its peanuts.