Hi Guys, I have any questions for you

By Luigi Mura •
Hi guys,
I'm Italian and I'm 20
I will be moving to Doha at the end of April and i have a few question to help me settle in.
(I will live in Qatar for 1 or 2 Years)
tell me everything there is to know about qatar
things to do and not do in Qatar for a foreigner
Thank's for the answers
Can I find Streetwearshop or skateshop in Doha?
qatar is a nice place... it develops very fast
Uranus1 said In terms of the singles scene ...
In terms of the singles scene here, 'Expect Amazing'.
Uhuh.. he's very lucky ... and for the rest of us poor sods, best lower the expectations. :P
They would suspect you a...
What's thinking about piercing the people of qatar? if the people see me in the bar or in the street whith piercing in the tongue or in my ears it's a problem?
what's kind of electrical outlet is in qatar?
Have you got this?
Ha ha ha...I agree!
Are you from the North or South off Italy?
Your experience in Qatar will depend on your answer :-)
Dont eat FORK, dont eat CAT, dont eat DOG, dont eat rat, dont eat tortoise, dont eat HUMAN in public......
nomerci, I edited the comment ;)
Do not feed p** in public?
Yes, how may I help you? I know absolutely everyone there is to know :p
SOUTH Indian, is what you want to say. They don't like being confused.
Devi prendere ..
Isn't she the famous Indian actress ?
will some one help me too?
There are no restrictions on the clothes you wear, just that women are advised to dress modestly.
During the month of Ramadan, some restrictions exist - restaurants and bars are shut, etc., but that is also the time when most expats leave Qatar on vacation.
It is way too hot then, so it's best you go home and enjoy Ferragosto on a nice beach :)
(I'm quite new to Qatar, and haven't yet seen summer or Ramadan here - this is only what I've heard.)
If you're a sports fan, you'll find many more things to do. There are clubs/associations and informal groups for most sports here. You could make friends off those, too.
Remember, social life isn't very easy here, so use every opportunity you get.
The key to enjoying your life in Doha is having a nice set of friends. However, it usually takes time. Find a place to start - your workplace, a sports club or even QL.
I've made some friends off QL, as have a lot of other people.
There are some nice restaurants, cafes and bars, but don't expect a roaring nightlife.
Oh, and driving is something you'll have to be careful about :)
The rest you'll figure out as you go along. Life is a little slow, and most things take a little time. Devi prendere le cose con filosofia ;) That apart, it's not a bad place.
I'm sure you'll be okay. Buona fortuna! :)
there is no "cut the head" stop spreading false rumors!
i love pork chop.
How can you feed pork? It's meat....
one_shot, the video clip is
How would anyone know if he was eating pork ?
Perhaps it should jut be "Do not pork in public"
do not eat pork in public.
Sleeveless and other sexy dress are only allowed to Europeans, Americans and others from rich countries. But if you are asian, i guess one_shot is right, they will cut your head. In short, discrimination is being observed here.
In terms of the singles scene here, 'Expect Amazing'.
Don't mind,Welcome to Qatar,
I will help you,
Click here for a starter: http://www.qatarliving.com/the-qatar-guide
never mind
i had a bad english before but i took some lessons(arabic ones) it took me 6 months to say pepsi instead of bebsi.
watch this =D
Usually I dress Pants longs to knees
(sorry for my bad inglish)
Sleeveless is probably OK, if you don't have hairy armpits.
Shorts are OK, if they're not spandex..
ohhhh sleeveless and shorts ?????
r u crazy ??? they will cut your head
it is true that you can not turn on Sleeveless and shorts?
Bring sunglasses, you will need them.
qatar is like toilet that hasn't been cleaned in a while.
Qatar is a beautiful little place in the corner of the Arabian Penninsula. Reminds me a little of the sand planet, Galambatus IV in the romulan quadrant - except the natives are friendlier and they don't have the sabre Tooth dolphins swimming offshore.
Apart from that, it is no different from Naples - except there are no bars on the streets and no scooters on the roads. No purse snatchers, but the overall driving is similar.
I am sure you will enjoy it..