Does Expat has the equal rights to seek justice in Qatar?

It's been 18 months since I am chasing a real estate named "MALABAR HOMES" a.k.a. "AL WESAL INTERNATIONAL SERVICES" the real estate has its original dispute with the owner of the building I rented till now. The alledged real estate failed to transfer rentals to the owner causing the owner to cancell the contract between them.
Inspite the case, the real estate still continue to have new tenants recruited and collect post dated cheques as rental for 12 months. As we are those unfortunate victims and unaware of the case between the real estate and the owner, not untill four months later when the owner sent his representative and told us the flat contract will be superceded and will have it directly to the him (the owner). Business as usual we will have to issue new sets of post dated cheque to the rightful owner as he claims. Uncertain with the situation we phone in the existing real estate and they acknowledge that the transition is legal so we did not worry.
But a week passed I recieved an SMS from my bank telling a cheque equivalent to the the flat rent was taken from my account and recalling the maturity date of the previous cheques I issued to the real estate which I thought they had cancelled it as they acknowledge as their obligation and as legal act. Then we visited the real estate and try to settle the dispute at a peaceful/urbanized way and they promised they will return the cheque and the fund they took but four more months passed they had not stopped taking the funds out of my account.
Then untill ive given up giving them the favor, since I am the one suffering not to mention that the owner is also taking his payback out of my account.
Then someone told me to file the case to the civil court for me to legally stopped the cheque. Then it took again three more months before the proceedings ended, but unsatisfactory results "they just told me that they realized that the issue is on the other court and therefore the case still unclosed".
Now my question is, since I am an expat and does not know how to speak Arabic how would I know which court should be while the local them selves took them three months before they knew, its not on thier division.
Another thing, its obvious that the culprit was the real estate and we are the victim, what take them so long to realize whom to funish. Were does the common sense goes?
Thanks, Yes I know that there's such as stop payment, but Bank will not proceed unless thier is an order from legal authorities such as Court orders or Police. Yes I believed in Justice System thats why I brought the case seeking fair trial, but how would you feel if your case runs almost a year with no clear solution.,
But lately I've been able to convince the Bank to stop the payment of the remaining cheques thru the help of the letter endorsed by the Flat owner as acknowlegement that the new contract was in between us. But still, as for the law is concern the court had not yet give its final verdict as to clear that I can stop the cheque "it should clear me for any doubts as for my Bank records and future financial transaction".
Second Part:
Remember the funds from the earlier cheques that was taken before I convinced the bank?, well I of course I have to get it back. Well this very brave real estate still manage to give me two consecutive cheques and intentionally bounced it and always promised me that it will be ok..and well here I am again since "I still trust the Justice System I filed another case for these bouncing cheques..and untill now 4 months had passed and patiently appearing before the Court they still have not decided what to do with it.,?
You can approach RENTAL DISPUTE COMMITTEE, i guess...
With your current situation, you have to believe in the justice system. However, you should consult your lawyer, there is such thing in the check account as "stope payment". This will at least diminished the burden on your part.