Credit Card in Qatar - QNB?

Hey there - we will be arriving in Qatar in August, we are pretty much all sorted - exported our car, sent all our stuff, been to visit etc etc.
What I want to know is about credit cards - we don't have a UK credit card and when we have been here in Saudi we have had one - always found it useful, and reassuring in case of an emergency, obviously as we leave Saudi we have to give credit card back and will be back to no credit card!
I am pretty sure we will be banking with QNB as that is the bank our employer is with, so I have had a little look at their credit cards - still a few questions - How long after getting our RP do we have to wait before we can have a CC? Is it immediate or do we have to wait a period of time like 3, 6 or 12 months? Also i noticed on the requirements about a security cheque - what is this and how much is it etc?
It isn't about having a line of credit as such - it is about having that security, we have very little in savings atm and if there was an emergency it is nice to know we at least have access to some money IYSWIM?! So we would like to be able to get one ASAP after getting our RP.
thanks in advance
what kind of specific conditions did they ask for?
I had a very hard time to get CC.
Though I have tried different banks, I still do not have one!
Banks will ask for a company letter, with specific conditions mentioned. My company unfortunately will not agree to those conditions; and here I ended up, with no CC !
So, expect the unexpected!
Ellietot: Not necessarily. I choose not to carry (much) cash and use credit cards for everything. Commercial Bank is co-branded with Qatar airways, so I get airmiles for every Riyal I spend :o)
I asked CBQ and they told me that even if I leave Qatar I can keep on banking with them, so yes, for life. This is NOT Saudi where you have to show your Iqama every year!
That limit sounds fine - like i say it is more a case of being able to use if i need to fly back to UK unexpectantly or we need to buy/fix something big - that kind of thing - we are only just straight with money back in the UK after spending the last 2 years getting sorted, so very little chance for savings, hopefully 2 years in qatar we should be in a better position for such things with some savings behind us
Credit limit is based on salary , minimum salary should be QR.7000 and you will be issued credit limit which be double your salary.
when you say free for life - what do you mean - does that mean even if you leave Qatar at end of contract you can take the CC with you and continue to use/pay from wherever you are??????? that's probably wishful thinking, it is a pain in the ass doing it all over again in each country we live in - we will probably only be in qatar for 2-3 years and move to next place - slowly travelling the world!!! :-)
it will be a blank security cheque only they will ask for your sign on the cheque.
They also have Branch in London will be easy for you to make transfers.
but six months ago, when I went to apply for mine they required one month's salary to be deposited before they issued a CC.
Blocked off your credit limit from your account??? Surely that defeats the object of having a CC?? If somone has that money in their account then there isn't much need for a CC?? Thanks for the heads up on that - we won't be using HSBC!
So as soon as our current account is open we can apply for a CC? That sounds pretty good! If we did have to give a security cheque, how much would it be approx? Also how does the process work? EG, in Uk obviously all sorts of credit checks (which always stresses me out!!!) Here in Saudi, it was just based on your salary etc - is that how it works in Qatar?
Thanks again
Process is very simple, All you require is RP (Qatar ID), Salary to be transferred to QNB, Salary certificate from Employer.
You will receive your Credit Card in 3 days and I think it is free for life.
your banking life must be going through hell for banking with HSBC :P
You can get a CC as soon as your account is open. If you use the company bank you might not need a security cheque.
I first used HSBC when I got here (they are crap BTW) and they just blocked off the credit limit from my savings account
only 3 to 4 days you wait that if your current account is with QNB