What do you think about woman living alone in Qatar as an architect?

I know this question looks quiet absurd, but this matters me a lot.
I am living in Qatar as a Family visa-my father is working here now, but he will be back to my country in summer of next year. I am early 20s(single) and plan to join interior architecture course at VCUQ. My country is already full of numerous architects, so salary of an architect is very poor.
On the other hand, I guess, since Qatar is a kind of developing country(even though it is one of richest countries), there are much more opportunities for architects. Does it sound all right?
To summary, the reasons that I consider advantages of living in Qatar are
1. more opportunity (with genorous offer)
2. be able to learn Arabic
(there are few people who can speak Arabic in my country, so I assume it might be helpful one day)
That is what I think about me living in Qatar so far. Please give me any kind of advice or information connected with my situation, and correct if there are any problems with my thoughts.(like salary, the way people treat women at a company, or dormitory in education city, like anything) I am worried that I might stick to only bright side about Qatar.
Being alone is sometimes fun, as it gives you the opportunity to rediscover yourself, and be more independent. Going solo as a lady in Qatar is no big deal. Women are most respected here. And also, career wise you will grow, and your stint here may be the ladder of your much success in the future. Goodluck. Be strong.
Thank you guys! But actually I'm not worried about safety of Qatar or finding a lover :-) I have been living here for about 1 year, so I'm quiet sure that Qatar is very safe. I just wanna know about job opportunities and future stuff.. Can I make enough money for living all by myself? Is it worthwhile to live here alone? sort of things .. As you know, getting house is ridiculously expensive here!!!! Anyway Thanks again! All of your replys cheer me up=>
it depends where r u from ?
coz u have 2 compare qatar 2 ur home country
To really answer your question, I think it would be better for you to throw more light on why you asked the question in the first place. You began by saying you are in the early twenties and single. These are the questions I've got that may help clarify your question:
1)Are you worried about safety? As in needing a man to protect you?
2)Are you worried about not finding someone to share your love with? Obviously a man? (No offence to lesbians and gays).
3)Are you worried about harassment at work, because you are a woman?, or
4)Are you worried about job prospects or the future of kids?
I'm here as a surveyor and single. My wife and kids are back home and I think it's perfectly safe here. Clearly, this being an Islamic country, there are some restrictions on certain social lifestyles that you might be used to (if you are coming from a Western country).
Women are respected very well in this country, as far as I know.
Hey babes, take it cool. Doha is small and peaceful. I'm loving it! As a previous contributor said, if you are a good cook, just come over and make something delicious for us all to enjoy. Why not?
are you prepared to be seprated with your loved ones? anyway with regards to your question i dont see anything wrong with you living here alone......qatar is a safe place
Hello, being an architec is great... You can see i'm one. About the job opportunities, i really don't know much about it 'couse i'm here by sponsoring, workin in a project. But so far seen is not that difficult. If that is what you like to study go for it, i'm pretty sure you'll be ok.
well! u should never care about what others say! some people would say ur so bad living alone in a gulf country but who cares! do what u want. this about succeeding in life and making good career. if u keep listening to people, u will end up crying in bed! so fresh up and come over here! ur most welcome. if u cook good, invite us for a delicious dinner :) whahaha.
Proceed to join now for architecture course at VCUQ. dont worry, best of Luck
It's ok, you're old enough to make a decision for yourself, hope for the best, cheers.
hi mellong,
dont worry so far you know what you are doing