vaccination for 8 month baby

By hardik Shah •
I am from india and I have a 9 month baby here in Doha. She just arrive in Doha after 8 month only. Untill that time,she was in India only. She already get 2 to 3 types of vaccination in india and I have all records of the same. Now waht is the procedure to get the balance vaccination ?(if any subject to observed by doctor).
Which madical center I have to go for the vaccination. I am staying in mansoora. Dp I need to make any madical card for baby? I have already get the RP of wife and baby.
Please advice!!
Thanks all for the information.
Children below 1 year needs only GREEN CARD which contains all the vaccination details..No HEALTH CARD required until 1 year.
NHA is the National Health Authority, Qatar.
Check the following link for its location:
Dear drmana,
You have mentioned NHA in your reply.
Could you please let me know What is NHA and where it is located.
You DONT need a medical card for babies below 1yr.
Visit your nearest Health Center and get the kid vaccinated.
thank you charline. I was looking for the same
You may find the information you need in the site of HMC :
Click at the end of the article to get the Immunization centers location, opening days and their phone numbers.
Yes, you need a medical card for the baby. Go to Muntaza health centre with your water/electricity bill, passport copy and 2 photo with 100 QAR in the morning time and get health card made.
For vaccination, go to NHA and get green vaccination card made for the baby with her previous vaccination record mentioned. Then, with both cards, go to Muntaza health centre again on Sunday morning for required vaccination.