Hi All!
I've found this site quite helpful with getting info and now I have a few of my own questions. I will be moving to Doha in the next few weeks and where most of my 'major' questions have been handled by my company, I have some more minor ones I thought I could ask here!
1: What sort of delays should one expect with connecting land lines and internet connections?
2: What type of delays or difficulties can be expected in opening a local bank account?
3: Regarding television - is access to American TV shows possible (mostly want programs aired on ABC)?
4: Approx cost of VCR's locally and their availability?
Hi Charlene!
I'm coming from Montreal! What part are you from? Regardless of where, it's always great to know of other Canadians around...kinda like instant friends in a land far away :)
My company will be putting us up too for the first 60 days and then I too will have to find something on my own (still paid by the company though). What are the difficulties you're encountering with your search? Do you have children? How has the 'adjustment' been so far since your arrival?
Take care! (We arrive in Doha on February 9th by the way, not far off now)
Hi Charlene,
I work in as a real estate agent and I will be glad to help you to find the right accomodation you are looking for.
If you are interested please let me know, my email is [email protected] and my phone number is 555-2197.
Welcome to Qatar,
Hey Canuck,
I'm also Canadian and arrived in Qatar only a few weeks ago. We are still living in company housing and looking for our own place and not finding it too easy! However, I'm sure that we will find something soon...
What part of Canada are you coming from???
Take care
Its 'better' than Canada :-)))
... not just Starbucks and the other Coffeeshops, but many (most?) areas throughout the city have free infrastructure access networks! Just switch on & go!
I don't know if there are any 'coverage maps' available for Doha???
... Matar Al Qadeem (by Airforce RA) is OK for connectivity. The Mall (Al Hilal West) isn't ... others??
HELLOWORLD, question for you...
I don't think the 'censorship' will pose any issues for me and like you said, I will probably find it of assistance with my daughter when she's online.
QUESTION: You mentioned Doha is wireless earlier. I don't imagine this is like in certain places in Canada where you can simply enjoy being connected at no cost (i.e Starbucks). How does the wireless system work - do you have to purchase cards from Qtel and if so, what are costs like?
Thanks again for your help!
Glad I could be of help. Yep - I've got a few Canadian buddies here and they seem to do alright, so international bank access can't be too painful. Given the other comments I'd suggest you'll probably be fine, and can comfortably sort out this end of things once you're here.
If all you do is normal web-surfing then the 'censorship' isn't an issue here - however if you stumble across a Google link which is 'blocked' for some reason then it is 'frustrating'. Doesn't happen often, and I don't think that is the place to discuss this further :) ...
Mind you, you might appreciate this free government service with your daughter around?! (I know some parents who do)
Anything else please ask - and I'm sure somebody else will answer before I've even read the post :-)))
- HW
Oh - bummer! Well I'll just have to wait to catch up on season 2 or download the episodes if possible!
Helloworld: what do you mean when you say to check out proxy servers for my laptop before I get there??
I believe they are running the first season of LOST and Desperate Housewives not the current one !!!!!
Thanks cpfavre! This is exactly the info I was looking for!
ATM with the plus sign.
While most ATM machines have the plus sign, some allows you to withdraw only from a checking (current) account from your Canadian bank. The Bank of Commerce have ATM that allows me to withdraw funds from my saving account on my CIBC card.
"just my two cents"
Butterfly - good to know I won't be the only Lost fan in Qatar!
Expensive or not - I'm just too hooked and so the showtime package is one 'luxury' I will allow myself regardless of price! :)
(not to mention that the Disney channel will be very popular with my daughter)
Thanks for the info - much appreciated!
Do you by any chance know if ATM machines in Doha have the plus symbol, so that I can withdraw cash from my Canadian bank account easily?
Hi Canuck
I love LOST too!
I watch it with the "showtime" package. It's on tonight... The also have alias, desperate housewives, disney channel, CSI, medium and many more. Check it out:
There's a catch: It is a little expensive and the movie channels always play the same films over and over again.
Thank you SO MUCH for all of the info you provided...just amazing!
Let me clarify a few points (and ask some follow-up questions):
a) I had never even heard of Skype until visiting Qatarliving - just looked into it and will most certainly sign up! Also good to know Doha is wireless! Forget this land-line idea...with wireless and skype, and acquiring a mobile, I doubt I'll need one.
b) Great feedback on the cash and banks - thanks! Do you know if there are ATM's in Doha that are equipped with the 'plus' symbol? I'd like to know if I'll be able to withdraw cash from my Canadian account back home...??
c) Are you familiar with the shows 'Lost' or 'Alias'? These are the ones I've become 'addicted' too!
d) I do have a DVD player...but my daughter has acquired this huge collection of VHS Disney movies and she would be most sad to have to part with them (and Mommy isn't equipped or capable technically to transfer them to DVD...yet anyhow). Sucks too about the Souq shops suspending activities....that could have helped me with this dilemna!
e) I'm guessing your a 'techie'? (or just way more technologically inclined than I am) :) I'll speak to a buddy of mine here to figure out this proxy stuff you mention...all chinese to me!
Your feedback was VERY helpful...and so thorough! Thanks so much!
Where are you from and how long have you been in Doha?
Take care and thanks again!
a) Are you sure you need landlines and fixed internet connection?
- Set up a Skype a/c (and make sure someone back home who you trust can administer it/set up a new one if it gets blocked) for voice
- Doha is wireless; you can get a good fast connection almost anywhere
- Other comments about QTel are not unfair - typically 2 months for the physical line and then two more months for ADSL currently
b) Once you have the 'Salary Statement' from your employer most banks will open an account immediately. Expect 5 days for a Cashpoint card, two weeks for internet banking to function. They usually (not all banks) like to see your salary deposited before providing a credit card with a decent limit. But cash is quite usual here and there's limited chance of being pickpocketed.
c) You can get a few hundred satellite channels here - once you ignore the 80% Arabic ones you will still have most of the standard European channels. Don't know specifically about ABC but general TV isn't too painful
d) VCR's?? Hey welcome to the 2000's bud! DVD players here are usually 'configured' to work on all regions of DVD's, so there's no compatability issues. A basic DVD player costs about 50 US. DVD's are widely available, costing 50-100QR each. Several places offer rental at QR10 for three nights, although they don't have a choice of 1000's. The 'choose your films and we'll burn a compilation DVD for 25QR' shops near the Souqs seem to have suspended activities - frustrating :D
e) Internet - you have probably heard that some sites have restricted access, and it is fair enough that etc are banned here - but sometimes the censorship is annoying, and you get unexpectedly blocked, which can be frustrating (does work these days?) ... you might like to check out proxy servers for your laptop before you get here ...
Dear canuck,
Just send me an email or call me once you arrive to Qatar and at this time we will sit and see all the possiblities according to your budget, the bad news is the rent increasing especially we are getting close to Doha Asian Games which will be held in December 2006.
Hi Safwany/Ayman,
Have seen your posts and have taken note of both your number and email for potential help when I arrive. I've been actively looking at the Gulf Times Classifieds for some help as well and have found some interesting possibilities. I only need a place of my own as of April 2006 though since I am accomodated by my employer for the first 2 months.
Will be looking for a 2 bedroom place - preferably villa (I want outside access/play area for my daughter) but would settle for a flat that has a balcony at least. Budget up to 8000 QR/mth for accom. So far villas seems to be in a higher range than that and no less than 3 bedrooms?!?! Would LOVE a place where there is a gym and/or a pool, but this is not absolutely necessary. We are very open-minded Canadians and will take what we can get! :)
Thank you for your help!
Hi canuck,
I work in as a real estate agent and I will be glad to help you to find a nice accomodation for you.
If you are interested please let me know, my email is [email protected] and my phone number is 555-2197.
Welcome to Qatar,
Oh my! 2 months for a land line and then 2 more for internet connection! Hopefully mobile numbers aren't as difficult to acquire!
Is it equally as long to get satellite TV set up?!
With these delays I am even more happy now that my company has everything arranged for me for my first couple of months! But after that I need to find my own accomodation, and car, etc (for which they do provide allowances). I guess the true test of patience will be then.
Thank you for your information! Anything else you can add would be much appreciated!
QTel works very slow, specially now with the boom of population, so you have to count on months rather than weeks to get your landline connection, then after you get the landline you can start make application for internet, and it will take some other months. Maybe 2 months ? Be patient with QTel. It works as it wants. Yesterday they allowed you to have VoIP, but this morning they woke up and changed their idea. So no VoIP anymore.
You can have American TV shows such as Oprah, Dr. Phil and ABC in the satilite .