Is this right way to buy a car on loan?
Seller car is under loan and do no have enough cash to clear the bank loan
The buyer has cash available, no bank loan required.
The buyer seller will involve a used car agent as middle man
The buyer will pay cash and take the receipt from the used car company
The seller will park the car at used car company and go with used car company RO to bank to despot money
The bank will prepare clearance letter after 2 days in the name of original owner, who will pass the letter to used car company and used car company will transfer the car in name of buyer at police station.
The used car company will charge 1000 QAR
Is this the secure method from buyer point of view since eh is giving cash to used car company few days before the transfer?
For easy life look some where else to buy your car with peace of mind,
Yes, this is how it is done.
The used car sales company are your guarantor in a way. Try to negotiate their fees though.
Yes it's one of the correct way. However, they charge QR 1000.00 now, previously it was just QR 500.00. Try to approach other used car dealer who can charge lower.