i m fed up.....

By beautynbrain •
aahhhh....!!!!!!!!! i m fed up now. its nearly 20 msgs in my inbox for offering friendship. Since yesterday as soon as I joined QL, I am getting this stupid PMs...Is there any way to stop such postings?
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me too
me too fed up , somebody please send me some messages and friend requests ,
beautynbrain...... stay away form me, why am i a terrorist............ ;)
..better yet..post and ugly photo so nobody will get interested on you!
...Very simple -- just remove your photo and don't post any so they will not see how beautiful you are!
do you know the main reason why?.....you posted female pic and it may push them to consider as you are femle that's why . so better post any nature pic and change ur id as....YOu will........regards
Remove ur profile picture, list urself as 45-50 age group and am sure the PMs wud stop :) (Just kidding)
Read all msgs and delete then...simple..
Delete and then block the user. Happens to every newcomer.
Saad - I got other PMs saying stay away from Saad...lol
Andee- I just want to ignore them but I am getting mail notifications for each PMs.
Just ignore them an they will stop... simple
nothing new.......... stop sending pms other wise i will through all of you from 40,000 feet.,...... :)