Hello Guys need a help for this website it says wrong about Mohamed (S.A.W)

By tabrez.paloji •
Hello Guys need a help for this site please click on the below link it says wrong about Mohamed (S.A.W) Can some one take an immediate innatiative step to stop this non sense going on that website. Its an indian website but it says something wrong about the islam religion. please find below the link for that video. I think this video is on you tube as well.
I donnu how can people say it to ignore such things..........turn back to c wat Muhammed (PBUH) had done for his umma (people). And on the day of judgement if Muhammed (PBUH)ask us wat v did for him wen the culprits insulted him on earth...i think tabrez y dont u contact people at the Markaz center here in doha itself...i'll c wat i can do
ignorance is a bliss ! let the dogs bark.
we shud not give any importants to such things ....no one can spoil the image of muhammad ,the image of muhammad is in our heart nobody can reach here to spoil it.
by providing this link actually you are really helping them to do so...if you want to do something against them, simply ignore .if nobody is visiting the site it will disappear.
Tabrez why don’t you take the first step??
Sometimes we do not need people to ask for a leader to follow, but We need a leader to ask the people to follow him!!