Been offered a job in Qatar

By Pasindu mapalagama •
have been offered a job in Qatar but not really sure what to do as I think the salary is very low. It's 1200 riyals a month. Accommodation and transport are included in the employment package but I can't stop thinking about the salary for a full-time position. I also know that cost of living Qatar is a very expensive country. What am i do ? is that enough salary to live in Qatar.
search the forum and you will get your answer. Majority dont get salary above QR3000 here.
I was offered a job as an engineer in Qatar with salary 20,000 riyals per month. with high cost of living in Qatar, is it worth to accept the offer? i like to know the cost of accomodation (house rental), meal, transportation in Qatar.
tnx 4 all ur suggestions
you will not be able to save money with this salary. But you might get chance to learn something good for better job. or at least you will learn what is money, what is life and what is motherland.
its a bit low yes. but its better than sitting at home or planting cannot live on vegetables alone.ur still young try to get more experience so u can hold out for a higher salary.don't try to come here with out a job offer. or u'd be very disappointed
It's peanuts for a Telecom Technician considering you have to pay for your food. You better plant sweet potatoes in your backyard. You can eat the leaves and the tubers. You got nothing to worry about. Nobody will give you an order to lift your butt and pick up a buck.
it depends on the position. For the General manager, I would say, it's a bit low, you could ask for another couple of Grands.. if it's for the tea boy position, take it, as you will never get more than that.
which position they offered you??
this is very low salary , but i knw many ppl who are earning lower then this in qatar but all are Labours
What is the job and which country are you qualified from?
It's not much money, but I suppose it depends where you are from and what you earn now.
better stay at your place...1200 will make you live like a rat
If its "QR 1200" suggestion do not accept....This is not even close to what a labour gets in a construction company....