What is MVT?

Dear Friends,
I have been hearing very frequently in Qatar called My Video Talk presentation under different groups like MVT Eagles, Spark Presentation.
As far as the limited info I have gathered, that it involves some investment against a product and you market it through Network Marketing.
Please dear friends, before I invest, would like to know anybody who is into this business and have benefited or had any adverse experience, please share it with me, would be of very help.
I feel it is same like Quest net limited, which was based in Hong Kong or Singapore and millions of people lost their hard earned money.
Only 10% of people who were are top level enjoyed the full benefits and rest 90% either lost totally or at least partial money.
Dil Navas
I agree with Mr. Iqwan, MVT is a great business opportunity but you also have to invest time and you have to work hard to utilize the financial benefits that it can give..well that is normal for all networking schemes, the more people you bring in ,the more earnings you get..you cant make money just sitting down and doing nothing!
I recently joined MVT last Nov 2010 ,and I just received my global cash card where I withdraw my earnings.So it is definitely not a scam...MVT is 100% genuine.
Mr. adworld if you're still interested just check out this website..http://www.mvtsparkglobal.com/index.html..
If you have any more questions I can be of assistance to you..call me at 66269969...
i am about to make Qrs. 50000 only because i joined MVT.. happy now!! u work u earn as simple as that!!
Mr.Iqwan, how much money you were paid as a bribe to talk about MVT in favor? Otherwise you would have given proofs so you can convince all the ppl to go for it.
MVT is NOT a scam.
Its the best business opportunity 1 has been provided with.
you earn depending on how you work.
all those who say its a scam, they are losers. they dont work and expect the money to come to them!!!!
hey guys, MVT is a scam just collecting money from ppl
With my further enquiry, I found out many people have been promised great income and have invested 4000 riyals. Has anyone received any income from this scheme?
I would like to receive information if anybody has been victimized under this scheme, and lost their money?
Yes, it is a pyramid scheme.
Just remember 1 thing, your going to have to bring in a lot of people, regardless of what they tell you in the beginning. Secondly, whatever they tell you your going to get, ask them if there are any taxes involved in this, if yes, then how much.
Then how smart you are will depend on whether you invest or not.
OK, you said "As far as the limited info I have gathered,"
I guess you didn't look too hard or didn't look for the obvious, like, is it a scam?.
this is a link to scam.com:
Sounds very much like a Pyramid scheme. I'd avoid it like the plague if I were you.