Regulations on working as a private tutor in Qatar?
Dear all,
I'm a qualified teacher from Belgium and I've been living in Qatar due to my husbands' job for 6 months.
I don't work and am not looking for a full time or part time teaching job at the moment, but I do consider working as a private tutor.
Are there any regulations concerning working as a tutor in Qatar?
Although it seems to be a widespread custom, some people did point out to me that it used to be (or still is?) illegal to work as a private tutor without working through a recognized organization or a school that approves you to work as a private tutor. I've been searching the net but I can't find any information whatsoever about its legality.
Any information would be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards!
Salam, Ayah. I found you in here :P (Merjem)
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