Recruitment of Arabs than non-arabs

GCC countries to prioritize recruitment of Arabs over non-Arabs
Leaders of Arab Countries have been urged to take necessary measures to ensure that the Arab workforce gets priority over non-Arabs in the recruitment policy. This was the recommendation made by the participants in the Arab Forum regarding Development and Employment, which concluded yesterday in Doha.
Ahmed Mohammed Logman, the Director General of Arab Labour Organization, said that the Gulf States are currently trying to bring about a balance in their labour markets, which is otherwise dominated by Asian Workforce.
Following the series of riots and protests by Asian workers, all Gulf States are ready to create a balance in their respective labour markets by increasing dependence on Arab workforce. A trend is being adopted by Gulf States to give priority to Arabs over non-Arabs in their recruitment procedures, said Logman, when speaking to the media during the two-day meeting.
This new policy of recruitment is necessary for the next decade, as it will have dual benefit for the Arab countries, as the countries currently have surplus labour force, and it contributes to reducing the unemployment rates in few countries, while also rectifying the imbalance in the Gulf labour markets, dominated by the Asian-force, and hence, helps in maintaining their identity.
However, the new recruitment policy would prove to be worthless if it does not receive necessary support from Arab countries that send their citizens to Gulf.
Arab countries will also have to take up the responsibility of providing their citizens with the education and training required to meet the needs of Gulf labour market.
As for sponsorship system, the current sponsorship system may be replaced by a new system so as to organize the recruitment procedures in such a way that they do not have to depend on the sponsorship system.
would it be an alarm for non-arabs to recline its beddings back home?
hahaha.... Arab will become SLAVES! Follow the sponsor rule, I will be most happy to see it happen.
Perhaps if the people living around here could manage to put their crap straight in the bin, they wouldn’t even need robots to clean the streets.
They will use robots before a local has to sweep streets etc.
Oman, KSA, and Bahrain have poor locals, and those in Oman and Bahrain work in all jobs.
The locals in Qatar, UAE, Kuwait are mostly rich, and choose jobs that fit them - We choose the job, and most of the time we don't HAVE to work.
it takes an arab to know one ...
these decisions , like all other decisions and agreements taken in huge arab meeting , tend to be forgotten 2 hours later ...
Usually they are there just to speak of a Utopia that they know it will never happen ... not Just in Qatar .. but in all the other arab countries ...
but one thing surprised me .. i was in Oman , and the guys pumping gas and selling in the mini market .. were actually omanis .. u dont see that in the GCC , KSA , Lebanon .. weird ...
Good point bleu, My company will paid back 90% of the tuition fee, Only, If you meet w the requirements and conditions.
What ever you are studying is related to the company business and you meet the required GPA score per credit.
The Great majority of us, do have related degrees on those specific fields. The good thing is, the company will paid back master degree studies at the same time.
I'm not complaining, because at the end of this month, I'm back in School again.
Probably I will be switching shift, once I notify my supervisor.
Some companies will not care a bit about it.
Bleu, whining here about ANYTHING does nothing.
It's funny how the single people want CASH instead of what is paid to the school.
People with children are currently reimbursed for their children's schooling in some companies, and whining here does nothing.
I think that the companies should budget for the jobs, not for amount of kids the employee has. If you like the package - take it. If you don't - then don't. I could never understand "children education allowances" or "children tuition fees paid" concept (in any country). It was explained very well by someone earlier on this thread - why should someone get considerably more money for the same work just because he/she has kids and the others don't? I would understand it when people with children get tax reductions based on the number of kids, but salaries? This is just bizarre. It is a personal decision of the individuals whether to have kids (and the expenses that go with kids), or not. Why should the companies pay for that??
This is all contorted. There are education allowances based on a certain number of kids (max 3 in some places, 4 in others). It is the same as asking for reimbursment for 4 flights as this is the maximum paid by the company when there are only 3 members of your family.
This is an arabic country, and as an arabic country they choose to educate arabs rather than other nationalities I think it is their perogative. International students in the west are chatged 3 times more tuition than citizens, native Indians in Canada get free University where the rest of us pay through the nose.
In the west we get Child Tax Benefit checks monthly based on the number of children we have. In this line of argument should my sister who has no children be asking the government for cheques based on her "child bearing potential"?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
to ONE, I see your point is very limited maybe because you do not have enough experience with Arabs,
we know how yo work properly.
it is only the corruption in our countries is stopping us from showing our standards.
and do not forget, if we are learning from the westerns now, we taught them before.
and it does not give you the right to under estimate the Arabs if are helping them whether by working with them or teaching them
The kind of hype created here, becaue the Companies are providing educaiton of Employees Kids.
It also brings commercilaisation of Education by bringing more westren schoools and higher fees. And people wants to show their "dignity or status" by sending kids to such schools.
Except one or two Western schools, the conditon in many of the Western schools are pathetic - academically and adminstratively.... Still parents wish to send to these schools, becuae the Employer pays the educaiton allowance !!!
sad to say, bringing up this arab issue now is a bit like cashing in on whats happening in gaza. one mans meat is another mans poison.
they may induct more arabs in the future but they should not be unfair to the exixting non arabs. thats all i say.
alexa yes thats exactly what i am saying. But this rule applies where the company school fee is below the other school u have in mind, so if a britisher wants to send his child to a cheaper school the company will be willing to foot the the rule has been altered and now arabs can send their kids free of cost to costlier schools(upto 20k) and the company will pay. My kids also go to an expensive school and QP will not pay upto 20k because we r not arabs.
This is a recommendation from a forum of Arabs that was in Doha, it has nothing to do with reality.
But there's somethin about arab people, till now, theyre not academically inclined, they cant even do a portion of the job given to them, so theyre not expected to multi task, they are not even able to handle complex activities and for so many other reasons affecting their professional capabilities - are companies really going to risk effeciency and productivity? No offense to some arabs who have proven themselves, but these are just my general observations.
call me ONE
just publicity...
One of the reasons for such a proposal was a problem caused by international regulations which
imposed naturalization on the foreign workers living in the country for more than five years.
At one time , when I read this short paragraph:
"Arab countries will also have to take up the responsibility of providing their citizens with the education and training required to meet the needs of Gulf labour market."
It seem legitimize and resolving. After reading it, fifteen more times in different forums, It reminds of a lame excuse saying: We are lazy, we are brutes, maybe or tomorrow but not today.
Also tell me, if you get married and have kids and you decided to bring your family out, would you;
a) take that expense on from your own money,
(b) expect the company to help
(c) say, 'if you pay for my new requirements ALL my single friends now have to receive the same benefits as me'!
it's not a rule or a law...just a policy recommendation.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Of course you are left out! Why would any company pay you your salary and then say, 'here you go have another 250,000 per year, you may not have kids, or a villa to house your kids in or bigger utililty bills as you have kids, but hey we will piss our profits away by handing you this SINGLE person a shit load of money for nothing. Tell me do you want days off as well, when the Mum or Dad has to stay at home if the kid is sick or it's parents evening or sports day?
You make out we as parents are a drain on resources. If that company needed another person, and they could not afford it, it would not be the fault of the married guy with kids, it would be they are either too tight to get one or the accountants had made a massive cock up somewhere and the budget was stuffed.
i am not argueing about the disparity in flight rates,payscales etc especially not with the westerners. All i am against is the change in rule where we were left out.
It is not our fault the Western schools charge a lot, belive me I would love not to have to pay over 100,000 Riyals per year< that is what we had to pay on top of the small allowance we get.
I would also not love to have to find at least 4,000 Riyals per month for electricity, water and telephone, broadband etc. I would also love not to have to spend 75 riyals on one small item of uniform, the school hat! Don't get me started on the 3,000 Riyals per year we have to pay for resources.
We may earn more, but we pay out a hell of a lot more. Even our flights are more expensive, albeit, I know we go further. So, no wonder we ask for and get higher pay!
whats wrong with with reimbursement? And its the rule for everyone and if they discontinue it for everyone then i wouldnt have a problem. As long as its fair.
the annual fee at ASD is 60k or more, where as our pakistani school charges about 400 per month. thats what is reimbursed to us. Previously non GCC arabs were reimbursed a similar amount, now the amount is 20k! even if we all get the 20K and assuming all arabs and southasians have three children it will bethe same to the company!!!
all i was saying was that the law has been changed just for the arabs and not us. if there is a law then it should be the same for all. if u change it then change it for all.
As per the rule only community schools will be paid for.People working under my hubby have kids going to Doha College and ASD and the company pays because they are citizens of those countries. I have no problem with that. Now that the law has been revised then we should also be included.
Sorry but Arabs are just to laid back to do all the day to day jobs..
even in todays economic downturn, the right person for the job is the right person for the job! If that person has children, they take them with children and all the expenses that are incurred. It would be false economy to go down the route of only employing people on single contracts. People simply would not come.
I know there are some people that don't mind being seperated from their families. However, those are few and far between and I don't mean this in a racist way, very few Westerners would come here withour their families. It is just a fact of life that if a company wants somebody they will pay! And if that means bigger villas and school fees, so be it. You also have to remember, with the profits etc, school fees are a small part of the overall budget.
I'm not the one moaning. Lamea was pointing out that different employees get different benefits, and I just comments that companies shoudl treat all their staff equally.
As you say, it makes no difference to me since the company isn't going to give me any extra money.
But unfortunately all companies do now ask prospective recruits if they are married and how many school age children they have.
Given the global economic situation, do you think companies prefer employees who cost them extra in school fees, or employees with no family who are happy to work weekends and evenings?
There are plenty of offshore jobs where the preference has always been for single men. Now that preference is extending as companies struggle to pay for villas for families versus apartment for singles, air tickets for families versus air tickets for singles... the list goes on. The money simply isn't there for families anymore.
How very unhealthy it would be if all companies employed only single people. lol It is not going to happen. As it is, the person with the children does not that money in their pocket, it is paid directly to the school.
And why moan about this situation, if you come abroad to work you know some peoples packages are going to be better than yours. If we have children to educate so be it. We have the hassle of bringing our famalies here, finding the right school for them and in MY case and a few others, we DON'T get all our school fees paid we have to find a hugh chunk of money per year from our pocket. I am not complaining as I would rather be here as a family.
All arab workers do not have a history of standing up for their employment rights and engaging in industrial disputes. In some senses arabs are a more docile and manageable work force.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
For argument's sake:
Let's say your company has 4 accountants.
Each accountant earns 10,000/month.
1 accountant has 4 kids, 3 do not.
The account's 4 kids cost 10,000/month for their schooling.
Every month the company is paying 50,000 for 4 employees, but 3 are only getting 10,000/month benefit, while the one with kids gets 20,000/month in benefit from the employer.
Why does the 4th accountant deserve twice as much as the other three for doing exactly the same job and working exactly the same hours?
The company's monthly expenditure of 50,000 should be split evenly amongst the 4 employees, since they all do the same work.
To put it another way, the company can't afford to hire another accountant, because it is now spending 10,000/month putting someone's kids through school.
This is why more and more companies are asking recruits if they are married and if they have kids, because they no longer want the expense of schooling people's children. Single people are starting to get preference for many jobs now.
Put that by me again? You have no kids and you want money for not having kids? How does that make sense?
That's like saying, I don't have kids but I want a 3 bedroomed villa or I want the same as my CEO who travels first class. Sorry but you don't have a valid case here for a reasoned debate.
All very confusing..
From one side there are rumours that Jordanians and egyptians are persona non grata and on the other, that they should be given preference.
I am with qalove. Why should people who pop out kids get the benefits when a single man like me doesn't get anything? If you want kids, then you should be prepared to shoulder the cost. And if companies are going to cover the cost of your kids' education, then an equal amount should be given to people who don't have kids.
Well, Lamea, actually I disagree with reimbursing kids education by the company as such, Asians or not. Your kids = your pocket.
This law is mainly targeted toward the south asians. Arabs usually dont have a problem with westerners. As if non GCC arabs dont get enough previlege already!!!
QP had an educational policy according to which only community school fee was payed for by the firm. First they revised it for all GCC nationals and this year all other arabs join the club of the previlege and get a much higher amount reimbursed. Conveniently us asians are supposed to pay out of our own pocket if we want our kids to go to better schools!!!
yes... and here's another enlighthening news...
Oman, a pioneer among GCC states, is conducting field studies on citizens empowerment, revealed Dr Sultan Bin Hassan Al Dossary, the Labour Minister of Qatar.
Dr. Dossary said that his visit to Oman was in response to an invitation by Oman’s Minister of Manpower, Dr Juma Bin Ali al Juma, to sign the agreement and review the successful experience of Oman in training and providing employment to its national workforce.
Speaking about the agreement, he said the MoU relates to exchanging technological training, studies, expertise, visits and organizing seminars.
With 2500 Omani nationals currently employed in Qatar, the number is now bound to rise, with the signing of the agreement. Plenty of job opportunities are open for Omanis, who are specialized in technical jobs.
There is such high unemployment in the Arab world and it really is about time that this was addressed. I hope that arabs from poorer nations will be treated fairly and given the decent salary that they deserve. As mentioned before workers/labourers from Syria, Iraq and Egypt are already doing these jobs and it's not something that is new.
I also hope that the more educated arabs will not be used as lower paid replacements for the more expensive western expats.
'GCC countries to prioritize recruitment of Arabs over non-Arabs'
umm, the post says arabs who may not necessarily be the nationals. there are many poor arab countries there.
Here's the catch:
"Arab countries will also have to take up the responsibility of providing their citizens with the education and training required to meet the needs of Gulf labour market."
That will allow the GCC countries to back out of having to Arabs, by claiming that the available workforce of Arabs is not up to the job.
I also loved the implication of this statement:
"As for sponsorship system, the current sponsorship system may be replaced by a new system so as to organize the recruitment procedures in such a way that they do not have to depend on the sponsorship system."
In other words, as long as the workforce is made of mostly non-Arabs, there is no need to abandon the sponsorship system. But if they are going to recruit Arabs to do this work.... well then they might have to consider treating them like humans and not slaves or animals.
The Gulf Arabs mostly hate all the other Arab populations anyway. I can hardly see them hiring Palestinian, Egyptian, Jordanian or Algerian managers.
There are arabs doing these jobs already friends. Egyptians, Syrians etc. do labour work and construction, as well as truck drivers, garbage men etc. We have an Iraqi and Iranian office boy, an Egyptian Carpenter and Qatari drivers. Why do you all find this hard to believe? In Bahrain, the locals are taxi drivers and cashiers.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
it is not matter of sweepers and office boys.
Can they work in a "Private" company...
All of them are dreaming to work in QP, QTel, QatarGas, RasGas, Police, Army, QAPCO, Banks.....etc etc....where they can work between 7am to 3pm.
Also they are "born managers" joining newly and bossing the expats with 15 years experince !!!!
Will they work in private company 8-12 and 4-7 ?
Can they go to site inspection ?
Yes, I have some of the "young gen Qataris" who work with professional ethics,,but again, not in private sector.....ONLY IN GOVT.ORGANISATIONS
much more than that qalove.... a day would come a qatari guy would serve a cup of tea????? they might have to device another law :D
Shortly CG
Aha, right. And Arabs will be labouring on construction sites, cleaning the streets, dumping sewerage and working as office boys?
I don't think I'll live to see this happen. Most jobs reserved for Asians will remain for Asians.