My company is no giving Salary for 6 months

Good morning to all of you in Qatar. I need a help and advice regarding my problem to my unpaid salary from June 2019 up to December 2019.Then I file a case in Labour court last Feb. 2020. My company issued account payee cheque dated April 4, 2020 and I signed the settlement paper given to me by the company.They told me that once the date of the cheque coming, I can return the cheque to them and they will give me the money. When the date of the cheque came last April 4,2020 they said to me that the company have no money and they are waiting for collection money.I tried to incash it in the bank but the bank told me that I cannot in-cash it because I dont have any bank account,I am not aware before that this Account Payee Cheque cannot be incash if you don’t have a bank account. My company is aware that we don't have a bank account because ever since that I joined in their company they pay us through cash only not by WPS and now I cannot open an account in any bank here in Qatar because first my RP is expired since October 2019, even my passport number they didn't update in the system and second I don't have money for the initial deposit to open an account.I always follow-up to the admin and Chief accountant of the company every week until now when to give our salary but they keep saying they still waiting for collection until now nothing happened. Not only me all of my co-workers in the company are the same problem.-
These are my question:
- If our case in Labour court closed? Because we signed the settlement paper given by our company but we didn’t signed any paper/documents in the Labour court.
- Is there any way/solution to incash this a/c payee cheque in Doha bank?
- Can we file again a case in Labour court? because our company deceived us “ because our company is aware that we don’t have a bank account because ever since that I joined in the company they give me a cash salary not by WPS and yet they issued a/c payee cheque which is I cannot incash it now.
Please help me and give me advice regarding my problem. Thank you in advance.
What "stupid philosophy" of Molten Metal! It is nothing new.
Remain cool, money is not everything ...... Be a great soul ...... Try to forgive them .... you will at peace ........ you will be a saint ....... Difficult but possible ..........
Be careful from the guy who is misguiding you for court cases etc , not good at all ...... Finish it with forgiveness .....
> Can we file again a case in Labour court?
Yes. Do this. You can't cash the cheque and you won't be able to open an account. Better to open a new labor case.
The embassies of some countries are just good for nothing in such cases. My country's embassy is among them. They didn't even bother to give a call to my employer to ask him why the company was holding my passport which is against the law.
Sorry, too many post.
I forgot to mention, since your RP is expired, Also, inform your individual Embassies. Just in case there is a case against you / all. Your embassy is here to help you. Get them off their ar$e and use their influence. Your RP is expired in Oct19, even before the lockdown.
I agree with GLB, recommend that you and your colleagues get together and get someone that speaks a common language, understands the situation you are put in and able to explain the same to the authorities or you may never get a penny.
You have 4 cases against your company
1) Non payment of salary From June to Dec 2019 and possibly till termination or +
2) No Resident permit
3) Return Cheque
4) Possible fraud - for giving you an A/c Payee cheque while they know you do not have an account.
You better be quick as such companies can disappear over night.
Ya, and as GLB says, name the company.
If you read the news, your company is not the only one. YOu need to act quick.
Get back to the labor dept and also go to National Human Rights, they will help you.
Seems your company is a crook since they issued you an "Account Payee Cheque" while all along they are paying you in cash.
Get some one that can understand your language and also speaks arabic.
Your company administration and the accounts people are "playing" with you since you were unaware of how the banking system works and they were aware that you do not have knowledge of this.
Here is what I suggest: First don't ever return them the cheque you have in hand. That would be a big mistake if you do so. A cheque has a value, is a documentary proof and you can demand the money through the court. Second, if you have not signed documents in the Labour office that you have received your full settlement, I believe you can possibly still file a case against your company using the cheque as a proof. You can tell the Labour office of the "game" the company is playing against you and show them the cheque. Don't sign any paper in the Labour office till you receive your full settlement in cash. It would be better if all the suffering employees file a case against the company on the same day as that will send a message to the authorities that it is the company that is involved in cheating its employees.
If the matter doesn't get settled in the Labour court, you may have to lodge a case at the Shariah Court. But the problem you will face there is that it takes several months for the Sharia Court to give its verdict and you will need to just wait through this period. It may take up to 10 months to get a verdict.
Lastly, you should name the company in your next post at Qatar Living so that other people can get know of their workings once the matter comes to an end whichever way it goes. I did that when my company cheated me out of QR 8400.
You are not the only sufferer. Qatar has several companies involved in playing "dirty games" with their employees.