labor law for foreign workers

good day to all .. expert in labor law for foreigners here in qatar? please help me again ....
Does the law creating long passed away at the 35km trip from home to work toward including the 8 hours work a day? almost 1.5 hours travel time .. if any laws? what articles?
in law also is the second year I ended my contract with my employer is obliged them to give me NOC? if any laws? what articles?i rely on your feedback..
so based on your logic, if it takes 4hrs to commute to work you will turn around and go home after checking in.
there's a good Cemetery!
haha well said LP, hit the nail on the head there my man!! uricane why don't you live in Abu Harmor which would make it close to work for you...
LP... I wonder what the speach would be if arrested? "you do not have the right to remain silent and anything we make you say will be twisted and held against you in a court of law"
You have no rights at all, in Qatar. Wake up.
i didnt think it was possible to drive 160km in a month in Qatar let alone a day!
uricane: Nope. You live in Al Khor and you work in the Industrial Area, is that correct? Time that you are not working cannot be charged as overtime. Otherwise, you could move to India and charge both the flight price and time to the company and just never work.
We are travelled almost 80kms,1.5hrs,one way,160kms back and port, from industrial to al khor everyday.we have the right to claim addional overtime to our employer?
haha well said guys!
And everyone would be feeling blessed for the long traffic jams, lol....wishful thinking
Raven and drmana: can you imagine if commute time was included in the work day? I would take the scenic route to work every day and limit the amount of time in the office.
at epicurean hahaha I was thinking the same thing...and drmana exactly mate when has commuting time ever been part of working time, in ANY part of the world...
Commuting time to be included in work time? You must be joking.
Why does it take you 1.5 hours to travel 35km? Are you walking?
Your employer never has an obligation to give you an NOC. Commuting time is not considered work time.