Job Designation Change

By travlboi04 •
Can anyone tell me if the labour law has anything in it regarding an employer being allowed to change a job designation, after a job offer is signed and agreed?
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It will depend on where he works, true that if his designation is changed government auditors may indeed come looking for all his credentials. Even if his salary is huge for his designation, they will dig. Akso if the designation change is only on the contract, or if it is on his visa.
Needs way more details.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
if the change if from a blue collar job classification to a white collar one, they check your degrees etc.
I personally haven't found any written rules on this. If you do, give us an update.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
It depends as conscious said. If it is for visa purposes I would be a little careful as this can affect your ability to apply for family visas if you need them, housemaids etc. As you are British it will not mess with your visa on arrival in some countries (such as Dubai) where many arab nationals need a managerial position or above.
Is the change in designation on your contract as well? Has your employer stated why they are doing this? Are you working for a company that has a graded employee system?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
If this change is only in your visa then no need to worry. Visas are allotted in certain slots. One of our Engineer's visa says he is in Qatar on Telephone Operator's visa :P but he's getting 22k etc :)
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