don't be proactive at work ??

By Aunt Polly •
I think one of things to make sure while working in Qatar or any where is not to be proactive / make suggestions for improvement or even identify deficiencies in the system.
Fact is no one wants to be told what is wrong and how to improve it.
Now that I come to think of it- why should you even try to improve the system ?
No one wants change because change involves hard work, change in ideology etc..,
Frustrated at work,
Aunt Polly
Just what I want to do.
Thanks for the encouragement.
You are right - this is disguised unemployment- what an apt term.
I used to know one lady working in my place in a secretarial post for about 5 years - each day her lot was getting worse when finally she got a job in one of the MNCs here and attended the interview there.
Some one at our place found out that she had attended the interview and informed our head ,who started probing and proding to find out where, why etc..,
She asked a lot of us whether she should quit , would it be wise etc..,
Seeing her suffering for long,we gave her the necessary push .
For the past 1 year she has been working at this company, very happily, sharpening all her blunted skills and becoming once more the confident person that she always was. All the ones who made her life miserable now are left in the same situation but her salary is now trebled , she is appreciated, she feels at the end of the day that she has really achieved some thing and she is happy.
So this looks like the way to go.
Thanks VB for setting me thinking and clearing things for me.
of disguised unemployment.....ask for a detail job description, company's objectives and ask yourself how you could contribute to your company....if +ve and yes then continue otherwise make a call to quit and look for better place to get job satisfaction....All the best!
I am proactive at public relations now.
No more obsession with work.
No more trying to generate work for myself .
My work involves doing nothing from morning to evening.
My husband advised me this morning that even spending time with people at work and chatting with them is good because it might make them feel good.( I used to think this was a sheer waste of time but now I spend a considerable amount of time talking to the departmental staff).
yup, that's what everyone i have asked this question replied. No proactiveness in Qatar :)
But then again, i can't live without it, so i don't give a damn and do what i enjoy doing :)
Btw, Aunt Polly, a book recommendation if you like :
'Who moved my cheese' by Spencer Johnson
My personal favorite. Hope you like it too.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
Now I realise - to be happy at work- one has to put up an act.
It is not pro- active now .
It is pro- "act"
Act as though you are busy.
Publicise the fact that you are overloaded with work when actually you are not.
Make sure that everyone hears your voice when you talk on the phone , or are meeting with some one or talking on the mobile.
Project yourself.
Do as less work as you can but act as though you are the only one working in the whole enterprise.
seriousness VB? mine doesn't have it in any sense so i just have to suck it up all the time.
You can't teach experience...
I have seen too many people complaining and whining about the supervisors and the bosses but when they become the boss themselves, their new subordinates also make the same complaint about them behind their back.
Most people are simply ungrateful and like to find faults in others. Rarely people are happy with their job but as long as they don't spread their unhappiness at the workplace, I guess it's still ok, but once they start to spread their unhappiness around, I think that's the time they should quit or else, they are going to spread the poisons around.
You can't teach experience...
My time yesterday was spent thus :
7-8:30 am Chatting with neighbor about the world, his previous job experiences etc..,
8:30-9 Went to sign the attendance book and along with chatted with ths Secretary and her office boy
9-10:30 Back to seat and looked up mails.
10:30 Went to visit the "supervisor" and asked him to give me some work- that he did and I finished it by 11
11-12 Chatting with neighbor in the next room
12-1 Again on the computer
1-2 Supervisor visit to my room and palming off some of his work on us -completion of this work and waiting for time to go home
2-2:30 Tried to call home and find out about children
2:30 handed back work to supervisor
3_ went home
Results :
1. Everyone is happy because I didn't do anything much so they needn't feel guilty and have to do more
2. I am very unhappy as I feel I haven't done anything.
From this day, I am a new person and will only function thus. At least let others be happy with me.
You are very right... Most of the Companies here-- to be specific" The management are really Narrow minded".... I don't know how they think and They manage the Business.. But anyways, that their system.. Hopefully someday, it will change......
If you really think about it, its really frustrating!!!
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
You can't teach experience...
it is all depend upon the seriousness of the management; whether they really interested in experimenting hi-tech methods or happy to live in the same mess!
good for you VB, mabruk. however, when i was asked the same question and gave them my suggestions, nothing really happened, like a rocket that never left the ground. i got very frustrated but learned to go with the flow as the saying goes.
when asked by management to suggest 3 best way to improve the way operations function at that time.
I went to the Big boss and told very frankly (personal attittude) that I have over 20 suggestions BUT on one condition that it shall not fire back on me (I would not be involved in the additional improvement process, in excess of current BAU task). I will make feaseable and coordinate with IT and make them understand how it could be done....and agreed and finally implemented!
It only need courage, right approach and clarity of mind and obviously with support from Top Management!
Not really ,,,,our new boss passed away and for some reason the powers that be went right back to the bad old ways , bringing in another mafia, so I resigned ,,,,,then after I left most of the new management who had come in and made loadsa money for the business have left also ,,,,leaving them to play at business but the balance books need to be artistically tweaked again.
So Keith,
The moral of the story is that change inevitably happens and we just have to be patient and wait for our time ?
That looks like what I am destined to do.
you are right,
why dont you change your job if u r frustrated at u r current place??
Actually I had to work in a place like that for years . Yhe only reason I survived was because I anded up being left to run my own show .Worked well for me .
After ten years we underwent a change of management leader, all the Team Players were booted , only about three of us remained, the new boss loved our creativity, but couldnt quite understand why none of us had ever been promoted. Then he discovered just how much control the previous mafia had of EVERYTHING.
More changes followed , but we remained.
Dear Keith ,
All the definitions that you gave apply in my situation.
But I could never ever define them.
Highest grade on evaluation= for those who bully others the most and do the least work and talk the most or loudest or aggressively
Lowest grade on evaluation- for those who dare to speak out- with special emphasis on "poor interpersonal relationships".
I eventually learned what the following means in so many organisations,
Delegation= Passing the buck and finding a fall guy.
Feasability Study= Get me the cheapest price and to hell with quality and whats the kickbak in my personal pocket.
Brainstorming= Any idea that may actually have any positive impact gets picked to bits and shot down in flames .
Lets schedule a meeting= Cant be bothered talking to you and my secretary will tell you Im in a meeting for about the next six months.
Team Player= A functionary who never thinks for themselves and follows directions / makes decisions depending on what THEIR superior tells them to think.
Valued Employe= Somebody who has been functioning for the past several years by treading water and whose longevity in their position automatically qualifies them for promotion regardless that they have achieved nothing for years.
Could think of a few more but a bit busy.
everywhere the situation is the same, i mean universal. Otherwise there will not be any category of world class companies under which only a few companies fall in the world.
The reason is the greatest human resource challenge. Generally people holding high position dont deserve what they are getting because they have not got this position on merit at all. Such officials will never like his or her subordinate to be intelligent, smart and proactive and mainly if the staff is thinking in terms of growth for the company. Rather they expect their staff to say yes sir, yes madam and do their personal work. I know in one of the companies, the secretary of th boss got promoted to sales manager because when the boss brought his family here, she was the one who found house for them, arranged all interior decoration, got admissions for their childrens school and a lot more personal she is continuing in this position. Sales growing or not, nobody in that company cares.
To some extent, you at least console if the officials are like that to save their chairs in terms of insecurity. But the crooked employers or owners who are supposed to be thinking in terms of only the growth of the company, even they dont like their staff to be efficient because they feel if the staff start showing the efficiency and proactiveness, then they might ask for salary increase or bonus or incentive. So to save their currencies, whenever a staff demonstrates efficiency or hardwork with results, they try to demotivate repeatedly so that the staff automatically lose interest in the work, starts underperforming, and thatthe employer starts nagging the staff and complaining about his inefficiency.
This is what the truth about the world's work place and work culture. If everybody would have followed world class company policies, then all would have been identical and there would not been any term called Fortune 500.
Accepting change also depends on companies comfort / competitive zone. I feel the companies here being more of in a comfort zone do not go out to be more productive/ competitive and so do not quite welcome the change. This is just what I felt in my association with the companies related to the industry I am associated and with some companies I have dealt at personal level.
Attitude towards change, striving to achieve more therefore seems to be lacking ...
To accept it and move on and contribute wherever possible whenever opportunity arises (if at all) can only help from getting frustrated. However, we should not stop thinking or else after a while we can just be good for nothing...
One Life to Live...Live It To The Fullest
Don't burn the bridge
There are many job's already opened here in Doha
i got a news that after 10th of may there will be many job's opening from all over here in you should search from now :)
Cheers !!!
Thank you once again- once I find a suitable job I will certainly do that.
from reading ur statements, I really request you to please change your job. Job for ladies is not that hard but just keep on searching for a right job in a right company and then slam your resignation to thos 3 level high employees along with one CC at your boss's face too.
Formatted soul,
You are even lucky to just have a boss.
In my case there is no boss- only some one who is 3 levels higher than all others in grade and thinks he is in charge.
Our real boss comes only once a week and just likes to be handed a rosy picture- does not want to see the designating, passing works , subtle undercurrents etc..,
If there is no real boss,then all others would like to be bosses. In the process, those who really want to work, will get frustrated, not knowing whom to report to and what will happen to one's report.
In this part of the world..its like "Do what I say" no suggestions... we really loose our skills following the wrong procedures....there might be 100 ways to makes things lot easier...but these people are not for Changes...
I am lucky I have Boss who gives me full freedom to make any changes provided it shows some positive results...:) though I worked with many Dumb bosses during the beginning of my
Thanks a lot Atif.
You are quite right.
God bless you.
Polly, GOLDEN RULE: "Be moderate"
Mean to say that too much proactiveness or turning your back to problems/mismanagement both are very dangerous in Job
A clever employee always make its move according to the environment. If it's a creative environment, then take full advantage of it. Show urself that how much creative & well wisher you are for the company but if it's quite tensed environment, then be blind & deaf for your surroundings and wait for the right moment.
Otherwise, best option leave that COMPANY and seek for more professional, well famous company in your city
he he he - you made my day.
I feel better already- gothic man.
can you be my aunt?
Thanks Vegas but why does it have to be like that ?
Does no one want any improvement?
Don't they want to increase productivity ?
Are we then only meant to be some one's slave and let some one get the credit ?
Suggest something Vegas and "Queen of the damned"
Really need help and am at work today.
You can't teach experience...
lol Vegas. i think that is the best suggestion. :)
"Admit your mistakes...before someone exaggerates the story."
You can't teach experience...
I work in a place where there is no system at all.
I don't really do anything that is described on my job description. And that was ok for me for the past 3 years; till it came to a situation where I am only made to do what one person who thinks he is supervisor wants.
Can't object, can't protest nothing.
No good at all.
Also can't resign because what would I do at home ?