Confused on career..
By thetruth12 •
i m a mechanical engineer. i have now got a job as procurement engineer. Being a mechanical engineer, i m afraid if this experience will have any value in future. please tell your views on this
thank you...
from a fellow mechie...I would say, yes don't worry, it is a good field indeed. As a procurement engineer, you would be the first in line to perhaps view, review and accept materials. Mech. Engring is a diversified subject, and procurement is very well a part of the experience.
Any experience is good experience. Knowledge is never wasted
If you finish your degree as Mech Engr, so be it.
Don't be confused yourself. This kind of Job is in demand especially in Canada.
It all depends on what you yourself want for your future.
As a procurement engineer - depending on the size of the company, you could diversify into supply chain and make a new career