About work

By loveu lama •
I have signed contract of 2 year with my company but if I want to resign in 1 year then can I resign? do I get a air ticket from company and what about end of service benefit?
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It all depends on the type of contract you have signed. If it is a fixed-term contract, the company can ask you to pay them for the period of contract that was not completed. However, most contracts are not of this type. In the other type of contract which is the usual one issued, either party can end the contract by giving advance notice of the period stipulated in the contract. In both types of contracts, you will be entitled to end of service benefits as per the Labour Laws of the country. This would be 21 days of basic pay for each year of service completed for the first five years. You will be entitled to a ticket on the completion of the contract period but should you quit before that, I am not sure if you will be entitled to one.