Pakistan Birth Certificate Online

Pakistan Birth Certificate Online Or How Do I Get Pakistan Birth Certificate Online Nadra Certificates? its an alarming situation, one of my cousins family had suffered through korona in pakistan. upon burial, the officials wanted to take a look at all the documents since she was aged, she did not happen to have her new nadra birth or marriage certificate. now we must all have one, where ever the situation may arrise in the world pandemic. in my case, i did not had these either & stuck could not travel to pakistan. my cousin recommended me a highly authentic service providing such service can be viewed here Birth Certificate Pakistan Nadra Online more over me and my husband were able to get our birth and marriage certificate nadra including our kids they were able to provide in current lock down situation in pakistan + they also assist in other documents such as police certificate for visa or passport renewal services etc. & also couriered me abroad. i ve cross checked those with pakistan embassy and it was gladly acceptable. sharing here so that overseas pakistani`s can stay updated in this current crises as no one really knows how worse can this pandemic can further get. Stay safe every one & eid mubarak in advance.
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