By sheen_sabzaar •
I find working with my new employer in Qatar discriminatory and humiliating.Add to that unprovoked harassment by HR.
So i want to resign and cancel my visa.But my employer is asking me to pay all recruitment charges , airfare , visa cost etc as according to my offer letter i shall have to pay my employer all expenses related to my recruitment if i resign within first year of employment.
I have a probation period of 3 months and i have completed 2 months only so far.
Please advise how to cancel visa by employer and exit from Qatar as i have been always depress and disturbed here ; as i can't afford to pay heavy sum of recruitment expenses.
yes that z what you have to do the above comment is perfect , dont allow the company to play with you because everything has some rules and regulations and please keep the offer letter safe
if you have all proofs in your hands you can fight for your right and believe me no one can take your right
Go over to the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) with a copy of the contract and talk to them. They will guide you best and possibly help you out.
Alternatively, If you have your passport with you, you can just buy a ticket and fly out without saying bye bye to your employer or the HR people of your company. But before you take this step, get hold of your salary first and don't discuss your plans with your "closest" friends in the office.