Contract termination due to pandemic

Hi guys please advice...... My contract was terminated by my company this April due to pandemic that was the reason..... I was with the company for only 9months....i was able to get a job but my boss refused to give noc saying I haven't finished a year and so I can't change a sponsor that is the this true that I can't change sponsor considering they are the once who canceled contract
What happens , happens for a better situation ....... Wait for 3 weeks to get favours from the same person who is not listening to you today ........
Sun, 19.04.2020 10.22 hrs
If your boss is a female asshole, try the Passport & Immigration, or the Human Rights Office, or your own Embassy. Good luck.
Am so confused.....she is not willing to give me or negotiate.... Am weighing my options
Ask your boss to give you NOC and let him refer to the pandemic as the reason. If the government is serious in helping people they will have to accept this situation and do something about your case.
Your boss is a typical asshole. How can you finish one year if he terminates you after 9 months? If he is good-willing (which I doubt) he can give you as many NOC's as you want.
Ask your sponsor for guidance on this matter or approach the passport & immigration people for help. The authorities are aware of this situation and surely they must have brought in new rules to help out people. You are not the only one facing this situation.
Airport closed.... Even for my country
No options left except to go home. Staying here will only add to your expenses with zero income.