why you should love Qatar?
Qatar is a lovely place and this is some of the reasons you should love it
-temperature can go up to 50C and still you have to work in sun if you are labour or construction worker
-Medical is free in Qatar but there is no bachelor clinic or hospital, most of hospitals are for Qataris or family.
-Qatar claims that it is family friendly country where 80-90% foreigners working there are bachelors (cannot bring their family because of living cost and visa restriction)
-Company law overpass the labour law. I mean company can make you work extra hours in Ramadhan and labour law just sit and watch.
-In same company for same job and same numbers of hours, you salary depend on passport you hold not qualification or experience.
-company can kick and send you home at anytime but you cannot change or resign the company on your wish.
-Your BOSS is always right
and many more.... ADD please
After several years been working in Qatar...i came to one conclusion...
those who work abroad...mostly loss on their native land...
in simple word..LOSER...*I'm pointing to myself*
if I'm succeed in my own land...what the hell on earth I would came here for...life is more fun in my hometown then in Qatar
now I get used to loneliness here..a bit afraid of I got addicted
No comment. I only need the money, and I can ignore even the worst of worse just for the money. If not for the money, who would work here anyway?
The simple fact is that "no one" forces us to come here and work in such harsh conditions. We all sign on a piece of paper knowing ex.actly what we are geting into.
and they accept their offer when they are drunk
otherswise go back to home
Boss is not always right. I know i have family. But.......... u know dear what i mean.