Who is Stronger?

By ralph_adalia14 •
I heard once that women are EMOTIONALLY stronger than men. This is because statistics shows that when men encounters a difficult problem, they tend to suicide. While the women, regardless of the intensity of their problem just cry it all out. Agree?
I agree.... ralph..
Thanks for all your comments.
@mjamille of course they are not all like that! This forum was not about generalizing it was about statistics and statistics said how much percent of people, and I am pretty sure that it is not 100% of us!
@happygolucky you were talking about my age. And for that I presume that you are talking about the probability of me lacking enough intelligence. Well, we all do lack knowledge. And that makes life way more interesting. It gives us more sense. It makes life more worth living. And can't you see that MOST of these people who answered this question answered it LOGICALLY and WITH SENSE?! Because if this forum is pointless and non-sense then none of them must have commented because they will know whether this forum is a waste of time or an interesting one that can be a root of some information. Now don't tell me these people is underaged too?!
Would God have given the emotionally weaker sex the ability to carry a child? I think not.
Confronted with problems, men tend to commit suicide, but women force others! Lol
So true.. being able to carry a child in her womb for nine months made her the strongest in all essence of the word Strong... imagine not having second thought on putting her life at risk from the date of conceiving to the delivery... emotionally, it is proven and tested that women are more stable than men, being able to withstand all difficulties a father impose on her, a brother so over protective to her and a husband so commanding and sometimes irresponsible..so there
Yes, women anywhere in the world are stronger in every other sense than muscle power.Especially all those hardworking women from the Third world, who struggle for the daily existence whereas women from the developed nations handle a different set of problems. Everyone goes through the same set of PMS,menstruation,ovulation,pregnancies, childbirth, breastfeeding, etc however the world rotates for each one of them...
Though women are expected to sweat the smaller stuff in life, they are the ones who mostly steer the family and in turn the society to a higher level.
And very rarely a woman breaks down totally in front of a catastrophe, where as most men do it, all the while managing to put up a fake,brave face...
errr, not all men and women are the same so your "statement" to everyone... by the way, do you always believe everything you hear? :/
and we are talking to a 14 yrs. old kid on something he just heard...:)
Men are stronger and this can be proved. Men are more practical and problems need practical solutions.
Women are definitely stronger emotionaly and in most cases psychologically.
I know a lady who lost two sons in a bike accident. Her husband had a nervous brreakdown, whereas she managed the strength to carry the whole family through the tragedy.
Yes, It's true!
Women have a variety of emotions and they tend to tackle with them ;)
whereas men have to deal with 2 or 3 emotions only ;)
it depends on the situation...... some times men are stronger and majority times women are stronger with great will power....
I have not actually seen this stats but I heard it from a friend. (I'm sure he wouldn't lie for such a thing :P)
Not agree. Can you share those stats?