Waiting for your turn

Dear QLers,
What I want to share with every one here is my obeservation that somehow, people in Qatar do not believe in standing in que and wait their turn. On the contrary they would resort to sending their children to jump the line to get ahead with total disregard to others in the que.The only time when they would be in a que would be when a man in uniform is present.
Is it just my experience or have other QLers witnessed this occurence as well???
This happened to me just a couple of days ago, in fact. And how i dealt with it was by "softly" telling the child that he must wait in line and respectfully pointed behind me. It's unfortunate that his own parents have not taught him such basics.
approach him/her, or if he's a kid, that there's a queue and point at the end of the line.
I would say, "Obviously, because I'm the only one that has the balls to tell you that what you're doing is wrong." And then, after saying that, I would get out of line, go in front of that person and their family (or whoever they may be with) and take that spot in line.
Yes, it is VERY low. People should stop being so lazy, and wait the 5-10 minutes in line like everybody else.
and must admit I'd do anything to avoid standing in one but to jump the que and/or use your kids? that's low! And yes I have experienced this. I just put my sternest "irritated old auntie" voice and say "stand in line...yalla yalla!" to the rugrats! And what with my bespectacled eyes glaring outta my niqaab the imps scurry away,scared!
I agree.
ya many times it happnd... wat to do... thy r children n thy shud b taught by their guardians, (sad - thy r misguiding thm) .. so lets show our decency.always remaind calm... never bee rude to thm
Honestly - i've never done it ... (wanted to many times )
This has not happened to me yet, but if it does, I'm guaranteed to say something rude.
some people also use their wives for this purpose. cos people respect and give way to ladies. so they will stand a little far away from que and send their wives.
once an immigration officer insulted a man very badly as he sent his wife and people in the line were very happy.
lets be honest and admit that everyone has done it once or twice b4 and there is that miniature feeling of evil-geniuous satisfaction once u leave everyone else still standing for hours to get the same service you were up-to. It aint good though and uncivilised for sure.
Let them go through queue etiquettes,
"Mind your queues"
ALL of us have been taught to do it, right from play school to high school, yet standing in a queue is a habit we seem people to ‘unlearn’ the minute they leave the school gates.This is an ongoing issue though and each has a distinctive character of its own.
but at least the parents must be the one to tell their childred of proper behaviour specially in public places, childrens behaviour speaks well of their parents attitude...they must learn how to respect others...somestimes i am tempted to be angry but thanks God i still have patience over them...
I liberally use my elbows and sheer girth to get the point across when someone tries to push in. Childrens heads are prefect height for this. Once you connect just say "sorry, I didn't see you there as that is where I am standing" Or just walk in front of the other person. They will get the message pretty quickly.
i experienced them too, i don't know where they ever learned that, in school, in home, or it is just because they love to do it, it's their personality...well people who saw can tell a well breed person....
I have seen some people sending their kids to jump the queue and buy tickets at malls.
Not a widespread habit though.