VIEWS of a TURK on Qatarian People

I have been in Russia, Algeria, Spain and I met many people from many countries..
to be honest.. Qatar is not a nice country to live. it is real. But,
You.. Qatarian people are really perfect. I respect Islam more than when I was in Turkey because of your excellent beahviour, attidues. God gave you everything a person may need. I observe that you are fully aware of this. No one else could be so calm, cool and respectfull to the others if they had the oppurtunuties that you had.
Many expats I have been takling whose living in Qatar are agree on your nice personalaties.
I think You deserve everything. You know what? I dont know if you are aware or not but your faces and eyes tells too much about you. You have been able to delete the evil inside of youselfs which we have never been able to do so..You are pure and clean Men and women.
I pray to the God that It has created societies and muslims like you. The rest of the world have many things to learn from you.
Best Regards
They will be dealt with in the next life... but I know that makes you feel no better in this one:-(
Hope the family is all well though:-)
Kudus for Qatari people.
have lost all your enthusiasm you had for Qatar when you first got here...
Something bad musta happened for you to have lost your optimism... You were probably one of the biggest advocates for Qatar and Qataris that I can remember....
Hope you get your groove back soon:-)
been to Turkey?
its a diaster!
completely disorganized...
Good for you that you met the nice people here in qatar you were lucky.
for me and i think i was unlucky because "some of them are not like you described".
But i refuse to classify people as per my experience,i feel it is wrong.
the same thing happen to you in turkey.
Where have you been in Turkey? What made you mad about Turkey? :)
a Turk would think Qatar is Heaven.
To these people in the once a desert and now a flourishing place in the world. It is true that people here particularly Qataris are good and are God-fearing so they are trying to convey good deeds as pleasurable to Allah.
"VIEWS of a TURK on Qatarian People"
But your profile says you are Afghan. Why did you prefer to use the word Turk?
thank you for your wonderful post, I will keep you in my prayers
anyone from MARS?
hi is there any one from europe:)plz give me answer
you respected islam more than you did in Turkey? :) yer funny man just go and talk anybody from gulf who is experinced enough to compare religion mentality with gulf and Turkey. nonsense and ridiculous u're lolol
and life goes on!!!
yes, everyone knows all are here for one reason!
Qatar or Qatari people has good and bad as all countries. what you all are here is work so why bother when seing a qatari is not respecting you? if he doesnt then u do the same to him/her and life goes on...places to visit depends on urself if you have friends u can days going on by going to diferent places prepare some functions ..bbq..picnics and so, if you dont have friends try to find some here in QL. if goverment annoys you by its rules and regulations then no one can help you for that because no one can change the goverment then you will have to look another opportunity in other contry and carry on. thats my opinion.
I dont live with example..Reather I prefer to be an example!
Your sentence "I would realy love to meet these qataris you re talking about...!!!!!!!" encouraged me to make that joke. Anyway wish you a happy life with your hubby. (BTW my face is red now, shame on me)
"What doesn't kill me; makes me stronger..."
i m already married so i m not interresting!!!
Do you want to get proposals as smilingmoon is getting? ....LOL...
"What doesn't kill me; makes me stronger..."
I would realy love to meet these qataris you re talking about...!!!!!!!
Well in the end we are here for our own reason so we must try to enjoy our time as much as we can. At least by socializing and learning new things from new ppl.
"What doesn't kill me; makes me stronger..."
I invited my family to Qatar once and they escaped within a week! Imagine my father was saying even cemeteries in our country are more beautiful in nature!
Sure everybody likes his/her own country. Your home country is beautiful for you because its yours.
Nobody take it offensive but there is not too much in Qatar that makes it attractive for expats. It is not the fault of any body but its nature. I could not stay outdoor for more than 3 months even at nights. I was almost in depression because of inability to do anything. All activities must be indoor. It felt me like I am in prison.
There is neither so much natural beauties nor chance of entertainment as places to go.
All the beauty is under earth here in gulf region. I am not talking about people, society or other things but as a land do you like Qatar? If so what do you like maybe you can see something that we can not see.
In any case I am here so instead of complaining I am doing my best to give value my life in Qatar. But its really hard to do that :).
"What doesn't kill me; makes me stronger..."
Smilingmoon... You like Qataris.. May I know why you didnt like Qatar??
If you want to get proposals consult smilingmoon LOL
"What doesn't kill me; makes me stronger..."
default you got the secret. dont share with anybody :))
rare mesaggase receiver
This is the only book I have read of the two authors.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
-Thomas Tusser
Hey brother. Now you are a man desired in Qatar. I believe this is very rare. Tell us your secret if you don't mind. LOLzzz
"What doesn't kill me; makes me stronger..."
I should confest that I receive many private messages. they are all about proposals to me. I appreciate to all. But please understand me, it is not so easy to make decision.
for your understanding
orhan cotton.. Turkish writer. Nobel awarded..
It is very difficult to understand him.. it took me 7 (seven) years to read one of his novel's.
Was the novel so tick? no, but the subject or my intelligence :)
Ezdan prisoner
..and is a nice name for a cat, it's true! If the subject was brought in the light, I don't think that Orhan Pamuk(Nobel Prize for Literature in 2006)is the Turkish version of Rushdie, he never attacked Islam, as much as I know, isn't he? And by the way, Stallion, I appreciate your opinion, but for me is very important how Qatari people ACT than what they THINK (both positive, I hope...)It will take a loooong time to reach the balance!!
What doesn't kill me; makes me stronger...
Seviyorum Seviyorum Seviyorum lol.
do you want to grab some Turkish girls as well? :-P.
Life; is just a dream on way to death...
Good to see your comments Stallion...
Don't be dishearted, there are good and bad in every community. Things will resolve when people are getting educated. I have seen some Qatari youngsters who are really modest and respectful.
-- F L A M M A B L E --
I Wish I could change how Qataris think. I am a Qatari and I wish our people would be more respectful than that.
Did any Qatari wrote those lines for you ? :P
-- F L A M M A B L E --
For sure you are on a mental vacation southland! lol :) Otherwise you were not bringing in some topic which is not related to what smilingmoon is saying!
Cute! I guess we are on a mental vacation ;)
A fool and his money are soon parted.
-Thomas Tusser
I agree with this mate, but just can say this about the adults here.
Young Qataris, should be more peaceful, and learn with parents, how they need to behave, really great People I found, till now here in Qatar.
The country is not so great,and the way people drive here, and not only Qataris, often is a indian, our pakistani inside the Landcruiser, that when Lady our kids are not in the back seat drive like mental people.... but we can't have all.
Check mate.....
Pamuk was my cat:P
kiss_ _ _! hehehe...j/k
wow what a lovely write up on the qatari people. i would love to know where you are finding all the love---all i seem to find is qataris driving white land cruisers with funky pin striping on the sides driving me off the road, and then cutting me in the queues at carrefour and being is the general feeling of the expats that we are not very welcome in this place. Sad, because i have lived in several countries and not had this feeling before. I am trying to like it here....
Is this a sarcastic post or a nice one...I can't work it out!
Is Pamuk a "Turkish Rushdie"?
Dogur soyledin moon! Neyse Qatara hos geldin kardasim :)
Pamuk, Turkish president open Frankfurt book fair
By SUSANNE GABRIEL, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 54 minutes ago
FRANKFURT, Germany - Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk lamented difficulties facing writers in Turkey as the annual Frankfurt Book Fair opened Tuesday with his homeland as the featured nation, but the novelist was still upbeat about the state of Turkish literature.
"The Turkish state's penchant for banning books and punishing writers unfortunately continues," Pamuk, the 2006 Nobel literature prize winner, said at the fair's official opening — citing legislation that was used to prosecute him and criticizing a ban on access to YouTube.
"But no one should think that writers and publishers let themselves be discouraged," said Pamuk, whose comments were translated into German. "The Turkish publishing landscape has become astonishingly large and multifaceted in the last 15 years.
Pamuk was joined at the opening by Turkish President Abdullah Gul, who highlighted reforms in recent years and said his country "to a great extent fulfills the European Union's conditions" regarding freedom of opinion and respect for cultural diversity.
Pamuk was prosecuted for comments he made about the mass killings of Armenians by Turks in the early 20th century, but the charges were later dropped. The law used to prosecute him, which bars the denigration of Turkish identity or institutions, was softened earlier this year.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier praised Turkey's recent reforms as it seeks to join the EU and he underlined the importance of freedom of opinion.
"Turkey may still have a little way to go here, but we should support Turkey on this way," he said.
Organizers of the book fair expect some 300,000 visitors before it ends Sunday. Some 7,448 exhibitors from 100 nations are presenting more than 402,000 titles.
Only 42 percent of the products on display at the fair — one of the industry's largest — are actual books, however, with digital media accounting for 30 percent, director Juergen Boos said. Other products include audio books and book-related items such as calendars.
Good for you.. We need more positive energy here!
hocam dogur degil mi ? hepimiz bu ulkde az biraz depresyondayiz tamam da..
adamlar harbiden temiz.. ulke icin ayni seyleri soyleyemem. buradan canim ne zaman isterse ceker giderim.. oyle de genis bi adamimdir..
hepinizi sevgi ile kucaklarim ;)
I don't know for how long u r in Qatar,I just saw u r QL member for more than 1 week.Depression is common here, don't worry,it's good u found a way to "confess". Anyway, hope u r ok, cause u r not very coherent in ideas, e.g."delete the evil inside(??)..."and honestly speaking, in English also.Dikat et, kardesim!
Gercek Ask! Ne guzel! hahahaha
are you tracking me :) you are a funny guy..
I m announcing now not Lebanon. Qatar is my last decision..
So very true...
I'm totally agreed...
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
Qatar-Lebanon-and now Qatar again? It's a pity Qatari Ladies are all covered up.
I love Turkish Delights, Yum,Yum!!
Ottoman Empire- Greatest.
Istanbul- Greatest city.
lol yeah AA, rare post for a change.. Good to see a postive perspective on Qatar..
Thanks Abuamerican.. I m enjoying the peopele but not the country though ;)
What about you ?