Unexxpected Presents Matthew Charles on 28th/Dec

Hi Guys we're new company in Qatar but we had done allot of music shows few years ago ! So we're Back again with new fresh ids & Successful thing ! First Gig we did for 2006 was last month @ The Dip Club ! We had Live Drummer and DJ both From Germany.The next up coming show will take place on the 28th this month with Dubai & Spain Ibiaz DJ Matthew Charles with help from our best top djs in town Dj K & DJ Young star AKa Snoop The first G.C.C Person who have played international gigs & Offered works out of his country !
Ps. The venue is Pure Funky House & Electro House for the mind body & Soul !
To check all our up coming events please check
http://www.unexxpected.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/unexxpected
Hey man all the dates listed up on myspace.com/unexxpected
I'm also flying tonight ! wont be there on my gig tonight in here !
I remember back in the 80's when first heard electronic music I knew back then this legal computer sound what’s going to be my soul.
Hey man. too bad. flying out tonight. When is the next Gig. Sure to be there.
Hey dude I was there in 2003 march not 2006 !
I remember back in the 80's when first heard electronic music I knew back then this legal computer sound what’s going to be my soul.
or the ist April 2006. If the answer is yes, we have something in common.
One specific question. Did u work in Shereton on the 31 March 2006.
Hey ! Well i did worked in every night clubs in Doha I use to be under nick name Snoop ! Yes i did The sheraton :)
I remember back in the 80's when first heard electronic music I knew back then this legal computer sound what’s going to be my soul.
Hey U r the one once regular in Shereton.
Yes Dweller we did the car launch for Toyota and so many other thing ! We had to give up or old name for personal reason and now me & my buddy are back its small world ! We also doing Massari on Jan 11Th & New Year Party & allot of Big name DJs Like Ian Carey,Noir,Jerry Ropero and more to say! More info @ www.unexxpected.com & www.myspace.com/unexxpected
I remember back in the 80's when first heard electronic music I knew back then this legal computer sound what’s going to be my soul.
That's a blast from the past. Yes they did do events at the Dip Club.
They also did probably the best ever car launch in Doha. The Toyota Camry in 2002 or 2003.
Sadly, I think the company folded.
Hey Mirage ! First Gig we did was @ The Dip Club Back in 2003 under Company name Class Act ! So Don't You dare again to tell me i copy Global DJS ! I bit you was still a baby that time Plus Hey i don't allow underage ! Feel Free To Email me when you grow up !
[email protected]
I remember back in the 80's when first heard electronic music I knew back then this legal computer sound what’s going to be my soul.
Hi Tyler ! I Forget Your From the US & if you did check the links @ the end of my post i'm sure you'll be able to find out where is the venue & Yes I'm Back so do you see any problem me coming back ! Also if you wanna know more about me ! I Can tell you ! 12 years being dj and Producer ! Second in DJ Competition in 2002 in Qatar.First Guy who Play or Introduce the House Music into This country also first G.C.C & Qatari Person who have been playing international Gigs and offered work out of Qatar !
PS. When I mean Successful I mean Success.
Have Fun Buddy !
I remember back in the 80's when first heard electronic music I knew back then this legal computer sound what’s going to be my soul.
I believe they are at the Dip club shamefully trying to copy globals...
Where is the venue? If you are going to post an event as the promoter please make sure that you use clear and concise english. You have me quite confused as to what you are back with...ids & successful thing........what the heck does that mean?
Let us know where the is to be held
Hmmm- which personality is coming out today?