The Unanswerable

By ratheesh83 •
Following is the picture. Observe it carefully and select right option
a) who's sleeping,
b) who woke up,
c) who is happy,
d) who's sick,
e) who's drunk,
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as Rebel says... has it been photoshopped?
Looking at it, its the same expression with the same face... just on different hairstyles...
hey, is there any beauty contest going on ??? hehe hehe
drmana..yes u were miss mars and now mrs.universe in ur hubby's eyes :) ---hehe... but anyways this pic has been adobe photoshoped
rebel, I am Mrs. Universe in my hubby's eyes. That is all that matters. :-)
so true drmana.. i too have chinky eyes.. and i love them they it is.. :)
drmana,,me asked how many fingers and u smiling :P lolzzz...we all are beautiful :)
@fatimah..yes "drmana" has beautiful eyes,she has already won Miss Mars title :p LMAO...
Victory must be courtesy Photoshop....same person with different hairstyles.
they all look clones ;)
Bet y'eyes are beautiful drmana..In Islam we believe Allah's creation is perfect.
Gud nice pic, They showed victory sign but at least they can laugh also or call ceeze becuase all face are look similar without any expression. Pic is nice.
drmana...God has made everyone just depends what u think abt urself :) ,,,,u love ur chinky eyes ??? ok then see, count and temme how many fingers em showin ???? lolzzzzzzzzzz :P
Rebel, I never claim to be beautiful or something but I am totally happy with the features I have. About chinky eyes, Oh! I totally love my eyes :-)
drmana...sorry yaar but u should be proud of ur features :) thankful to God and don't mind ..i was simply teasin u :D
rebel, not funny :-(
drmana....chinky eyes and a beard ??? gorgeous :P lolzzzzzzzzzzz
lol saadm yes it does give this feeling..and its the least i need right now :(
I am feeling sleepy, when seeing this picture
a) The second one at bottom right is sleeping
b) The one at center right woke up
c) The third one from the center left is happy,
d) One at the front is sick
e) Person at extreme left is drunk
Now, don't ask me who is male and females!
Please don't make fun for the chinky eyes...its genetic/racial, nothing funny.
And I have one of those too.
it luks lik all r sleepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!