Take off burqas demands!

: Today Tonight: Rachael Finch tries Muslim life
A group of protesters wearing burqas gathered in various places in Sydney to argue for Australia to ban the face veil.
They say the wearing of the Islamic headwear donned by women, should be outlawed because they pose a security risk.
Security and police were called when the burqa-clad non-Muslims incited anger outside state Parliament House.
Members of the public were extremely offended by the male protesters wearing the burqa.
Zubeda Raihman from the Muslim Women's National Network says, "I think it is pretty offensive because we live in this democratic country and we are given the freedom of choice."
The group ventured to the Downing Centre Local Court, a city pub, a bank, and the NSW http://au.news.yahoo.com/nsw/latest/a/-/newshome/13326305/ban-the-burqa-...
Or you can go to this youtube link here for the full unedited Vid..
Oh, Ma bad.....
Ohhh FatimaH, you just made one of the most balanced, unbiased, well-informed (you are def. well educated religiously and socially, unlike many) and civil comments I've ever read on here!!!
How some men always seem to want to dictate to women what they should and shouldn't wear. Be it from any culture and any faith. I have friends married to Muslims who's husbands say that should they decide to wear a hijab and/or niqab they will divorce them! Why? Cos they cannot present them to their friends!
There was once this guy, again a Muslim, who came up to my hubby and tried to convince him to get me to remove my niqab using all kinda excuses.ROFL like he(my husband) has any right to order me around and also considering I got into niqab, by my own free will, waaay before we married!
Men wanting to either tell us to expose or to cover up, and the excuses they use to disguise their attempts to control us is laughable. And if Muslim men can do this how can we expect all non Muslim men to react better. There will obviously be male chauvinism from all faiths.
With regards to security in all honesty yes there maybe people who might adorn a niqab for nefarious reasons BUT in the same token they can also chose other means of going incognito should the veil be banned.
Besides a Muslimah should always be willing to show her her face should the need arise like in banks, visa offices, rulers' offices etc.
Hope and pray the problem in Australia are resolved as I know many Muslims have resided there relatively peacefully all this time.
Spelling of the word 'choose' & last half part of the sentense is telling all the truth.....
Any how, May God keep you & all at QL smiling !!
Lol ...to tired to write? how do you know this MM :O
Be an Australian...lol
It shows , you were too tired to write but it is nice to express yourself...
People should be able to chose what to wear.
Personally I believe God created a beautiful creation for all to see & gave them freewill to chose a select few to touch until they find the one :)
why to take,is it means others people nothing getting joys from their family to look others womens,or womens like to expose.For married people and family,is it ok for you ,if your lady or daughter looks withe evil and cunning minds.
listen,Hijab or burqa is traditional.
check it out below and comment if you disagree...Allah Bless you all..
other for people who thinks ,they are modern.
In the gulf area eating,drinking or smoking day time in the street during holy Ramadan is not permitted Why? Regardless of why they have the right to apply whatever rule they think is appropriate for their countries accept it or leave.same thing is applicable in the rest of the world .by the way I'm Muslim
When in rome do as the romans do?
Once a faaktard, alwayz a faaktard
Dubai is now Rome, wow I'm confused now.
Here we go again...
even in dubai in the rulers court they not allowed to wear burka's......security threat.........again when in rome live as the romans do
Why are they upset men are wearing it? They want the women to be allowed to wear it is public so don't discriminate against the men!
Limitations of the technology needs to be addressed to the prevailing life style.
Burgas are the perfect costume for bank robbers.
The misunderstanding should be cleared and everybody live in peace & harmony.