So long my furry friend.

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Good morning Q'el. )-:
Looks like I'm giving away my flora gucci. Because recently I have been so busy in my own personal affairs, that I feel I haven’t been a good company to Flora, & her litter box is cause Mom to have skin itches. Since my Mom has really sensitive skin, and flora has been diarrhea for a few days now and it’s stanching up the whole house! Therefore and after prolonged talks and much discussion and debates with the family! I have agreed to let Mom go and keep flora):.. :P kidding. A friend of mine is due to drive by this evening to collect Flora Gucci );
So long my furry friend. Ill buys a bicycle instead )-:
T_T takes away a lot of life's agonies
One man's agony is another man's joy T_T
Thanks .. I was imagining something else :O(
He was taking that furry friend whenever he goes for the evening walk and now he will take the bicycle instead.
T_T txt?
that doesn't make sense haha
anyway, they use that as a smiley or emoticon... it tells that a person is crying... it's like
messages like that...
"So long my furry friend. Ill buys a bicycle instead "
Hate to ask, but how does a bicycle replace a furry friend ?
T_T fill in the blanks :P
britey you dumb bum, its Tit for 'Tat'...:(
What the hell is a T_T ?
Gucci will sue you for duplicating the name of their known fragrance for women.
what happened to LOLA :?
So you giving away a sick animal? seems like the cat has got ring worms which has caused the itchiness to your moms skin.
Please get the animal treated take her to a vet. if it is ringworms then the rash can leave permanent scars on your skin as we discovered a few years ago..:(
"on T_T" ? :(
so u kept the pillow or the T_T of tat poor Flora ?
u beast ! :)
So long my beloved Flora): I shall forever keep the pillow you loved sitting on T_T
That's a shame. But I'm glad you've found her a new home. Not many people bother to do that. :)