A slug in salad at Opera restaurant Landmark

Hi all,
I went out yesterday evening to Landmark with my wife, then after some shopping we decided to have a nice dinner at OPERA RESTAURANT..
I ordered a Greek salad + Chinese chicken, and my pregnant wife ordered a soup. Then when the order came, I started eating the Greek salad which I order each time at Opera, but suddenly I noticed the most disgusting living insect in the salad .... I was shocked and so digusted to see this moving thing on the salad I was eating. The worse is that my pregnant wife ate with me.
We then compalained to the supervisor who of course could not give any justfication for this scandal..
So please whenever you go to that restaurant we advise you all to be very careful about the food and look twice before eating !!
don't eat salad from outside....Buy fresh salads from the market, wash and clean it thoroghly then
Enjoy Home made salads.....
What happens after a pregnant woman eats a slug?
Is it really a bad influence on the kid? You know how bad company can influence children!
I MAKE MY OWN FOOD...man, scarryyy stories on here...yikes!!
lmfao teepatter
no big deal...they come from the same veggies..there a lot worse things to be found in foods.Just tell em' to replace it and of course advice them to be a lot careful next time...GOOD YOU DIDN'T HEAR THE SLUG SAY..YUCCCKKK!!! HUMANS!!!
Blimey - the writer is from Algeria - goodness knows what one can get served up in the food there.
Is that escargot tartar? Mmmm Extra protein!
You can't teach experience...
yeah it happens all over the world. I'm from NYC and have dined in the most lavish and expensive restaraunts, needless to say i found a hair in my soup. Don't make it seem like this can only happen in Qatar. I am curious though to know more about what the food and safety guidelines are here.
Did u ask for a meat topping? Dont be such a wimp - accidents happen in kitchens all over the world right! Duh..........................
I now know Opera serves really fresh vegetables and not the GMO kind. :)
just consider it as a free extra toppings
Eerrrmmmm, so we are saying that there are SLUGS in Qatar?!?!! OMG! My ONE phobia has followed me! I have a slug phobia! Oh no, I thought I'd got away from them, I can't even eat mushrooms because of the similarity!......Maybe it was a mushroom in the salad...hopefully......:(
I am not sure of the signifigance of the pregnant wife eating the salad, obviously no one ate the slug. I am 100% sure you have eaten far worse without even knowing it :)
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Could it be, that the slug came out of his nose?
If God dropped acid, would he see people? -- George Carlin
found the pic of the fly in my mushroom soup. but doesn't know how to upload it here. :-(
thegr8spy007 you really are a goodspy! job welldone , to spot a roach camouflaged in a pizza!
and slug salad yummy!
tell your friend that fresh and organic is best.lol
kidding aside,ask the restaurant if they carry necessary health permit.
daymmm man the same thing happened to me in PH on airport road (the 1 next to FFC) and it was a cockroach ....so to compensate we took home 3 pizzas free.
Do the French eat snails and slugs?
The officials can deny it and say "you brought the slug along with you and put it on our salad to sabotage our reputation"
should have clicked a pic & sent it to the officials
"Kids, You Tried Your Best and You Failed Miserably. The Lesson Is, Never Try."
preparation room. And put eyeglasses to those staff inside the kitchen area! Lol!!!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
I'm not saying people shouldn't bring these issues to the attention of the management, but to start posting things on public forums using words such as "scandal" and "most disgusting living insect" (which isn't even factually correct!) is just pathetic.
Qatar Living should be renamed Qatar Complaining.
Exotic food.
It is always the lost that need my guidance
this happened to me in Wok of Fame, Villagio last year. We ordered mushroom soup. We are already half way done with the soup when I notice in my bowl a fly. I was pregnant that time. I called the server and told him about it. which in turn told his manager. the manager just told us that we dont need to pay for the soup. no apologies.
I'd like to see myself off of this thread NOW. Continuing will only bring on very bad consequences..))
a good pizza if the roach was after it.
me think he should take the picture of the salad and complain to the authority. I remember sometimes back someone posted a pizza hut photo with cocokraches as an extra topping. Cant remember which branch though ...
You can pay a fortune for snails (slugs with a shell almost).
Every now and again something goes wrong at the best of establishments.
I hope with this conversation we're consoling brahimushuaia (the author of this thread) for what they've found moving in their salad!
Honestly, I think not..:)..:(
i ate frogs in indonesia happy happy, not the rest you mentioned. I do know my thai girlfriends eat slug :D
Slugs, frogs, grasshoppers, dogs, beetles and horses are also eaten in some countries!
slug out going on here:P
It is always the lost that need my guidance
they eat slug in thailand ... :D
to you, too.
The lady with the hair in her food, is blonde - the hair she found was black. Don't need a DNA test to prove it wasn't hers. Being a friend of mine, i can comment on this...
Yes, things like this happen, unfortunately, but no need to become nasty and critical when someone complains of something. I won't eat at Opera in Landmark, because their service is cr*p, so am I now complaining too? After a 20min wait before even seeing a menu, is it unreasonable of me to not go back?
I agree, someone needs to report these things to the authorities, so it doesn't happen again.
Living here clearly makes people to complaicent -you wouldn't put up with this in your own countries...
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
visit www.qaws.org
you self righteous so and so... stop moaning, Opera is now open
Is anyone ever happy on QL these days? Slugs, teeth, too expensive, suicide, religion, boo hoo. It wasn't that long ago we didn't have the rich choice of restaurants and supermarkets here and far less people endlessly moaned then. There is a lot of self righteousness on QL at the moment, boooooring.
teeth breaking, flying slugs(could have been a mutant slug)hair in food (could have been her own, did we do the DNA testing?)As for shutting the place down, Slug has a high protein concentration. Maybe it was snail, Opera is french right or maybe italian (Italian snail/slug yummy) Whos up for Opera this weekend
Slugs don't fly....Maybe you should google something before making a comment on it.
your friends teeth are very delicate.....never heared of anyone break his teeth while eating bread.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
I found a hair in a salad in PAUL in Vilaggio and my friend, who was with me, started to eat her sandwich and she broke her teeth, because bread was not fresh and crispy.. it was like a rock... I made a big scandal there, the stuff asked me to be more quiet...but I was more noisy...:)
they apologized and they send to us complimentary deserts. After all this I was scared to eat it!...
I think that we need o find out any government organization which can take such complaines. As soon as one place will be closed, others will think - to put hair or insects..:)
they charge you extra for it?
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
yuck! that's all i can say... :P
I think it's one of their new recipe. . .
Yes, stealth. Withdraw their concession, exchange the executives, run again on probation for six month, and then pay 1 million Riyals for the renewal of the license.
is that too less for you MD?
How nice. For one month only?
i fyou give a comliant to the authorities the sho pwill be closed for a month for flouting the hygeine rules
yes he can.......but the post says that the slug was alive.......what if it flyes away before the muncipality officals arrive.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
It's hardly a "scandal". Snails, slugs, insects etc like lettuce, and it's inevitible that every now and then one wont be removed during washing.
And if slugs were an insect, which they aren't, I don't think they could be described as "the most disgusting living insect". I think of far worse ones to find in a salad!
you can still file a complain against them in municipality.
did you took a picture of the salad?
how can you justify it? you must be used to sub standard eating
if your wife served you with the slug at home who would you complain to or what would you do......mistakes happen!
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
keep it as your free souvenir, i bet you wont forget this for the rest of your life.
Plus... after this you will have a story to tell to everyone else. So.. did you thanks the restaurant for the incident?
needless to say your boycotting?