Shower this Morning

By Captain_Lost •
Good Morning Everybody!!
Its a beautiful Morning and wats so special about it is that.. today i actually liked taking shower with hot water in qatar .. lol :P
plus..its weekend and nice weahter so far... so have a great weekend and enjoy ur Eid Holidays
Tip of the day: Dont miss any party during the weekend or Eid Holidays (even if u have to party more than twice a day) :)
for those who like warm showers...
leave the tap open for a few minutes and you'll get a enjoyable warm shower!
Britex... with your Cuban shotputter? :P
I always have a hottish shower :O)
its a Talent .. Exlegend
no wonder you are captain lost as you r flyin high LOL :D
JEEEEZ! i was gonna say!
Surinder... Yalla Yalla .. lets flyyyyyyyy
Btw... u got any stuff to "Fly High" :O
Good Morning..
and Ya really, now I came to know why that red tap is for here in Qatar :)
wlcm UkEng enjoy it while it lasts ;)
Thanks for the Reminder drsam..:)
loll..santro..sorry to disappoint you it wasnt :P
Surinder ..yes it'll honor us and then "Ooooops us" :D
Ok so it wasnt an invitation for the shower ;)
Drsam... lol.. i agree but i hope it stays like this the whole year :(
Surinder..indeed, shall i post an ad in jobs section or you would do the honor for me?? :P
hmmm...yes...back to normal: from now on, the blue handle is for cold, the red for hot! are welcome to join my ship crew as an Executive Sailor :P