The sexualization of our little girls.

From G-strings to mini-skirts that are too short even for adults, to padded bras. They sex sells, and apparently there is no age limit to buy it in anywhere in the world.
From thong panties with suggestive words to barely covered dresses,the sex look is being sold to girls younger and younger. Sex appeal is becoming the number one trait to have, even for girls too young to know what sex appeal is.
A report by ABC News, found evidence that the proliferation of sexualized images of girls and young women in advertising, merchandising, and media is harmful to girls' self-image and healthy development. So why is the line of Bratz Dolls considered the number one doll of the year?
To watch the ABC report go here.
if they have come out then they will face the consequences.... and if parents have taught them then i must say they aren't successful in teaching them completely because if they had been taught properly then they wouldnt have come out .....
instead of finding fault in the religion and the people u must concentrate in the goodness of the religion... and instead of telling me to come out shell think of what you will follow next and what you will teach your children.... i have my opinion and i will continue with that i cannot change it just because u r saying me to change... why must i change ?? and yes why must you change???? you also keep the same opinions which u have and follow and lead good life.... best wishes !!! there is not point in this argument and so its better to stop...
i am talking about teaching children about the religion *Sigh* .... people have gone away because they are not taught by their parents :/ and here we come again to the same point...
@ Tinkerbell well i know that there is huge gap between those two..... and i am talking about religion and those who do not practice it will suffer the consequences knowingly or unknowingly....
@Mozaismyhero well such ceremonies are the sinful acts committed by ill people and they have got the punishment for such acts....
its ur wish to follow any religion !!! why do u have to ask me for it :D:D:D: lol
such gods have suffered serious punishment after committing such acts.... which tells the mankind to respect the woman.... if u read the holy book then u will understand that women are considered as powerful and respectful
XBRL, which religion should we teach our kids? There are about 7000 Gods to choose from and various religions from that. Some religions do have naked cermonies and others involve taking drugs so I am not sure I would want my kids following that religion
i am not talking about those people whose original language is english or about those people who do not have any other option other than english
Oh ya. Totally respected. *rolls eyes*
Ultimately the men of god has committed such acts in order to teach the lessons to the mankind ... thus women are always respected in every religion
Now I beg to defer here. "i also see them speaking in english with the child which just leads to loosing the originality of the child .... he/she doesnt have any cutural base"
My family consists of a multitude of races and nationalities, even my parents are of different nationalities, and throughout my childhood the only language we ever spoke in was English cos that was the one language we all had in common.
Today my husband and I speak primarily in English for this reason as he to comes from such an extended family. My daughter speaks fluently in English and knows now quite a bit of Arabic since she attends an Arab majority school.
I guess it depends from person to person, and though I can speak/understand English,Hindi,Sinhalese, and Nawaithi, well with a little bit of Arabic, I'm happy with my daughter knowing just Arabic and English only.
LOL Brit. :D I just mean that our morals evolved along with us, as a means of continuing the species.
For example, if you're trying to breed and build up the population, murdering members of your tribe doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Neither does stealing from them.
Oh for goodness sake .. "instinctual imperatives" .. Exit stage left .. Look for dictionary :O(
Morals are simply instinctual imperatives that have evolved along with us to ensure the continuation of the species.
oh really well i cant say about other religions but in my religion there is a teaching about each and every single moral values ..... and i am sure if a child is taught about all this he/she can be a good person because i believe in god and god is the ultimate truth for me...
first of all the child must be taught about religion and he/she must be original i mean he must know his own culture, mother tongue and then the child must be taught about other languages and all other things.... i see some parents do not teach their children about their own mother tongue and i also see them speaking in english with the child which just leads to loosing the originality of the child .... he/she doesnt have any cutural base
@ Tinkerbell it depends on society .... it differs from one society to other....
@ tinkerbell do not forget that teaching religion includes manners respecting elders, behavior and everything in it..... and i beleive every religion's holy book contains abundant knowledge about all this.... teaching religion also means that they must know about the meaning and also implementation of those values in real life...
@Tinkerbell -- modern dresses are different from indecent dresses and i never opposed modern dresses... let me tell u one thing i wear jeans and t shirt and go out and i never cover my body from head to toe...... so i myself wear modern dresses but indecent dresses are something different ..... so girl need to distinguish between both..... wearing mini skirt is also ok but it must be in decent style not in disgusting style.... i hope u got it what i mean to say
well i m speaking about indecent dresses which must not be wore by decent girls.... and its truth that indecency of dress leads to humor and i m not supporting anyone... i m just stating my point
XBRL are you crazy? Some dresses lead to fun by men? You insult women the world over by your rapist defending words. Also remember religion is not the answer, some religions permit under age sex if you are married.
children must first know about the values and teachings of their respective religion. Girls must be taught regarding dresses which are indecent and must also know the fact that fashion can be displayed in decent dresses too. They must be aware that some dresses will lead to fun and enjoyment by men and do not fulfill the basic need of covering body. So in all they must know how to maintain respect and dignisociety
Birth > attracting a mate (sex appeal?) > reproduction > raising offspring > death.
Everything else is a scam.
Children should be thought and given a good surrounding in terms of everything weather it is making friends , education, schooling, clothing , principles and values....etc. as all this falls in life cycle...but today i hardly find parents giving importance to all these thing and look back at your self when you were young and how did your parents took care of you and one will realise the difference in today generation gap.
i do agree that we need to walk along with generation but with a dead line that should not be crossed..
its more of show bizz than morals
I certainly wouldn't dress a small child (girl) in thongs,don't care how much they would protest..It's just wrong!..It depends on the parents and their attitudes at the end of the day!
Some very good articles:
I agree with the above statements, and Fubar is right in that we should not put the blame wholly on the fashion industry , but at same time we cant just blame the moms, I mean, u know how kids are easily attracted to such clothes, they wanna grow up fast and wanna act like the adult women they see on TV, and sometimes it's just impossible for the parents to say no when the kids is kicking and screaming at the mall.
and like Fatimah explained, many moms tend to think of their young daughters as an extension of themselves. Such moms arent thinking right. they want the best for the little girls and they think by buying the young adult-like outfits ,that they are being loving parents.
if mothers themselves dont want to have modest dress code, what shall these helpless children do..? very sad.... In our streets and parks, what an ugly dress these socalled parents(mothers) do wear?? its shame ... for a sophisticated society.. as Chaucer said... if gold rusts, what shall iron does..??
As a mother of a daughter myself I can vouch for the fact that often we moms tend to see our daughters as an extension of ourselves specially when they are young. We wish they would live out some of those unfulfilled ambitions of ours,and consciously or unconsciously tend to push them in that direction. Little do we then realize that our kids, though innocent and easily influenced, are not putty that can be molded into shapes we deem fittest.
With regards to fashion and beauty, again we are prone to dressing them up to look all cute and pretty in a manner primarily appealing to us, hence there may then be adult overtones to their get ups depending on how much restrain we practice.
As seen in the OP some mothers and fathers just don't realize that there is always a time and a place for things in life. In a bid to seeing their daughters in positions of adoration, fame and good fortune, they are making them sacrifice some of the best years of their life ie childhood and forcing them into early adulthood. Unsurprising then to see the number of children and adolescents been plagued by eating disorders, depression,and even substance abuses not to mention getting into romantic and even sexual relationships long before they reach puberty. When an immature being is compelled to lead a mature life no doubt the repercussions will be unpleasant and even destructive.
Whilst the fault lies squarely with the parents, apparel makers also need to be more responsible regarding the products they market. Some parents get caught up in peer pressure or pressure from their children.
I absolutely agree with you Moza. Unfortunately many people who have not yet sorted their own lives out, called sometimes "sheeple", have children and then brainwash them with half understood ideas (or, worse, marketing values).
Men dominate the fashion design and apparel industry,their mindset is not much differant from what Sigmund Frauid suggested a while ago,women instead of resisting the male chauvinism in this regard are falling prey and the so called feminism is a blessing in disguise for the men who are actually enjoying ,and who cares about morality and modesty ,even innocent young girls are not spared,when will the women wake up ,it is really pathetic
well Mozaisurhero
whats the relation between the two?
can't you start a new thread for religion to discuss it more in detail???
I don't understand how or why anyone can blame the fashion industry for any of this, whether it's the fashion designer or the retailer.
Products like children's lingerie only exists because people buy it.
And who buys clothes for their 10 year old daughters? The girl's mother or father?
Teaching kids about God and eying to brainwash them is as bad as the sexualisation of children. Both are forms of child abuse on young minds that have not had time to develop independently.
This has become a real issue. Last year La Senza were taken to task regarding their lingerie for children and denied that they were sexualising children.
Whilst the media must take some blame, IMO, the fault lies mainly with parents who are pushing children into mimicking adults whilst foregoing their childhood and the age of innocence.
The parents have to teach children about Godliness. Instead the parents involve in worldly activities like dancing and singing, TVs and very much pave the way for destruction. The children grow up without wisdom.
Adults are already adulterated where as kids having more conscience and like to know more about universe. Teach them about stars, Planets, Galaxies etc..
Take them to beach and let them play in the open area. Instead we take them to Malls and Shopping center. Their Mind becomes narrow and definitely the parents play a major role in spoiling the children.