QUBE .. Sheraton .. Rydges ??

Hi QL people .. how u doing ?? i hope fine
i wanna ask u about the night clubs here in doha ..
last therseday i went with my freind to Rydges night club ، i found it ordinary club
for drink and date .. after that i went to sheraton club it was ordinary with nothing
special .. Finally i went to QUBE ، the bilduing was good .. the music was nice .. but
there was few people maybe 20 person sitting around and one old woman dancing
alone on the dance floor :)
and now could u tell me what is the best clubs in doha ??
hitting and bumping with women here is so freakin hard!
better watch that acronym!! I'm an Aussie bloke, from Sydney via HK - pm me.
Veni, Vici, viva.
Hey Grantley, where you from bud? I just got in from Dallas.
After reading almost all the comments and having personal experience, I am on to ONE conclusion.. Men alone (stags) are useless in Qatar.. Cant even get to drink a peg or two by themselves.. need lady company to go to most of the places..
Its been a dry spell or call it draught time of about 4 months for me in Doha. I am still waiting for my wify to join me and get my thirsty throat some drinks after all. Might have to remain thirsty for another 3 weeks or so..
The Qube used to be cool when the "mocha band" was the band, dance floor would flood and you'll see babes of different nationalities, unfortunately they ended their contract. Try merweb, lots of Qatar Aiways babes go there to party....but you had to have a female companion to enter there if im not mistaken..Nothing special there, no band, just Dance floor with good RNB music (and gimmick peoples)
Looks like you did not really get an answer here Wild Boy. I was trying to follow you post for some answers myself.
Good luck. Go to Bahrain. Formula 1 Club in Gudabaiya or SeaShell in Adliyah.
believe half ofd what you see and nothing of what you hear
Yesterday Apple called all lebanese women whores and when I replied e46M3 took Apple's side, only pigs accept that not Lebanese.
I'm against the Lebanese men that hang out at the Pearl, yes I am Mila. Other Lebanese men I have no problem with.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
Mila, we ever run into you there?
are u againts the lebanese men gypsy? i like pearl.
any other worthy suggestions? I'm looking to chill out, meet people, maybe find a workout buddy.
The music is techno and the crowd is Lebanese men.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
thanks - what's it like? What kind of crowd/music?
u will like it but u have to make member ship for 1 year
u think u r in bangkok......this is doha. u expect the same as ? HK ? or luanda ? miami beach ?
I'm moving to Doha next month, and will be by myself for 6 months. I like going out for a few drinks and meeting people, but understand 'unaccompanied' men are not admitted to many clubs? Where can a man go by himself?
check out cloud nyn(no stags)in merweb, paloma in intercon, rydges and the events @ diplomatic club tent...
thanx all for ur responses .. iam happy to be her with u
Adjust & survive knumbskulls.....Its not something big one has to deprive oneself of..
Try going to those places you've been to on a Thursday and Friday nights...then tell us what you think...
Good luck ;-P
Good luck... Best thing to do is fly away for the weekend. Maybe check out what concerts are happening in Dubai.
Try Pearl. Qube is busy on weekends, Pearl on seekends is members only.
Get Rich Or Die Trying !!
Thanks man 4 ur welcome ..
OMG! That all sounds so tragic! It's so bad that it's funny!
Welcome to Doha night life. The best in the world and can not get better anymore.