Okay, I must admit I am an avid QL follower. Everyday, it is my habit to go to the site and read the forum and everyone's reactions in accordance to the topic. From these I noticed cliques in this community:
AUTHORBOTS: These are the forum starters. They create the feeling of the forum. Most of their posts are based on their everyday experiences.
NEGATRON: These are the posters who keep on seeing the negative things in a topic. They like to go against the theory of most maybe for the sake of arguments or maybe they really are just pessimist. In any case, they add flavor to the forum and create the ebb on the flow of discussion.
OPINIONOUS PRIMUS: Posters who I see in all the topic/forums be it the most sensible to the most bizare there they are conveying their thoughts on the subject.
SCARSCREAM: These posters are very sensitive. They are highly volatile and emotional and tends to get hurt when they were opposed. Beware when they are mad, they could your eyes and brain heart for they can create a long post you sometimes cant help but skip reading...and did i say...longgggggggggggggg..
DE-PASTE-TATOR: These are the posters who copy and paste articles from a resource material.
And then the last is my clique:
DUMBLEBEE: These are the posters who for the sake of just earning points post anything on everything and yet though you read the post so many times, it makes no sense.
You can't teach experience...
Ok. ok. ok.so what's next???
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
Complacent - "Uncritically satisfied with oneself or one's achievements; smug" (en.wiktionary.org/wiki/complacent)
Interesting. Never thought of myself like that. I can't decide if being complacent is a good or a bad thing in the context of QL.
most of the time you are level headed and get your point across - sometimes I do think you are to complaicent - and I almost get the feeling you are about to say "if you don't like it leave", lol... actually, I think you might have said it... once:-)
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
visit www.qaws.org
Nice post. I'm most definitely a Negatron, and proud of it.
for the points =)
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
Thanks man. Likewise. Read some of your works too and i say you are able to convey your messages to us through your posts.
@NAZ- ;)
@SHOEADDICT - thank you man..
I like posts that reveal imagination and personal inputs like this one!
Congrats, me.myself.and.i
PS. 1 more point...lol
hmmm,,,,,so hip of you to think of QL'ers as movie characters derived from cartoons.:)
DOROTHY,,,where are you DOROTHY??????(from the wizard)
ok i need to get some sleep before im ready for the war tommorow.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
I had a few infamous QLTrans in mind :-)
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I guess you've mistaken me for someone we both know who..I guess he is sleeping right now conserving his energon for tomorrow's battle..
but I wanted to add one more type.
These are the TRUE QL Transormers -- I call the QTrans :-)
Every time the QTrans get banned from breaking the forum guidelines hey have transformed themselves into new QLers from places they have never even visited. Some of them are quite amusing in their approach and don't really even try to hide that they are a QTrans; but others are not sharp enough to see that EVERYBODY knows who they are and they sign up for QL accounts more frequently than they change their underwear! :-)
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
ok..... pls check in your luggage then and wish you a long stay on QL.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
actually you can read the main forum even without signing in so i do not need to have an account to read ur reactions however i just decided to create an account and be "heard" today.. i blame insomnia..
anyway wellcome to QL altough i dont beleive you are new here....ur id has been created a couple of hours ago and when you say its your habbit to go through the forums everyday.
i dont think so you can go through the forums without signing up for an account.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
:) amusing.
I am Dumblebee!
definitely the dumbledee..
lol.... was just checking which category you fall under.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
old neurons working.. EMN
and from where did u lift this topic apart from the first paragraph?
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
megan fox? ;)
I can't find myself there . . .
Let me think. . .