Pull Tab lids in soft drink cans????

DOHA: All soft drink cans using the familiar “Pull Tab” lids would be phased out from the local market in six months.
The Consumer Protection Department at the Ministry of Business and Trade has asked all importers and retailers to replace the “Pull Tab” lids with “Stay on Top Tab” lids on the soft drink cans. A six months period, that started yesterday, has been given to comply with this directive, a local Arabic daily reported yesterday.
The move aims at protecting the rights of consumers with regard to safety and healthy use of goods and services according to Consumer Law No. 8 of the year 2008, said the Department.
duffer, super glue bcoms dry within few seconds! i dont know which glue u are talking about!
YEs you can fix it back with superglue...but be careful might stick to your face the next day.
can lid be fixed back, i wana keep the drink for next day :D
progress is recycling laws
enforcing traffic laws also to Land Cruisers
.... plenty more
and do they expect to make it Qr.2?
The Time is Now..Now is the time!
Quote from the Qatar 2022 Bid..:)
Good move. Once people start questioning simple things, they will create opportunities for big improvements.
The next thing would be a serious look at products labeling and marketing claims. Go check yourself, you will find many orange juice containers says "Fresh Orange Juice", and in the contents it says from concentrate.
well that's better.. to reduce injuries and littering.
better to purchase soft drink with bottles..if u could not drink whole atleast u can close n put in frige..
progress from what brit?
Progress ....................
I remember the days when cans didn't have ANY tabs :O(