of a plant,a pet and the whole caboodle

i guess what i wanted to find out fellow QL'ers does any of you seen the movie of sandra bullock playing a recovering alcoholic? asking for relationship advice,the person she was conversing with answered that in order for her to nurture and have a lasting relationship,she has to take care of a plant on the first year;if it lives for the whole year,then take care of any pet;again if both plant and pet lives through the second year,then youre ready to take on a relationship.
on to me now.....
i cared for a cacti here and it died...
i took care of a cat in my old accomodation and the cat kinda bossed me around,so had to let her go when i transferred to a new villa.
so,,,does that mean i will never be ready for any form of human relationship?
is interacting/cyberchat a form of relationship?
Shoe - Alcohol is not part of the system.. it is THE system....
Everything else is jus illusion.. :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
black cumin pair of shoes?lol
there's no cure for you!
even black cummin' ...
it's helpless...
i will buy shoes tomorrow,,,,
next week and the week after that...lol
im theenking....
of buying shoes in my dreams...lol
(falls out of my chair now)
stop buying shoes for yourself!
buy shoes for her!
ash lucid,,,if alcohol is a part of your system right now,,,then maybe you should be the one needing sandra's advice.lol
Its Actual advice that IS given to recovering alcoholics. and it is well to heed it!!
Its a Movie smartie...
If you take Sandra As seriously as people take religion here...
Then us.. you are doomed...
Else - Uproot a plant... Donate your pet to QAWS and hook a female.....
Who is stopping you from doin tht ???/
If have issues with Love issues...
Contact Jimmadi :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol