Myself & I .......A night out

since I'm still in Eid Holiday, I decided to go shopping this afternoon.
I have just woken up from a heavy doss of pain killers.
But I can not complain because that was too predictable. I haven't seen a dentist in along time. So I decided to cut the whining, popped in some pain killers and got dressed up for dinner and a night out with myself.
I tend to make the most from moments don't I like. I never get sucked in, because I have learnt to evade.
In my mind I was like, tonight is a good night, and I feel like going for a smoke and some coffee and get pissed.
I had dinner in a table for tow, as if I had all the money in the world and I just wanted to flaunt it!
This sure was a crowded restaurant. Despite that I felt quite alone, there was not one class of people I liked. It was a pity.
Maybe the elitists? I don't know anyone of the secret worlds, but I like the idea!
. Crème de la crème, as they say in French, or a selection of the best, good looking well connected, jet flying people, with enough luxury to keep the poverty of entertainment and vulgarity.
In the restaurant, suddenly my attention was hijacked. The people next to me, they were from the country I grew up in (the douche bags of the world that I finally escaped and now look back at with astonishment), their world is so limited. You could see he treated her like shyt. You could see that she deserved it, because she believed she needed the status her man provided. People always put status and vanity before dignity.
Next to us, on the far left sat a group of X country ho's
Thinking they can be arrogant because they are young and good looking. The type of air-heads, soulless, good for nothings, materialist bt**s.
Suddenly I lift my head up and looked around, and all the tables were occupied by puppets and clowns.
Everywhere I saw only faces painted in lies, the shows they put on. From the despicable rich idiots and their opportunistic, gold digging brainless girlfriends, to guys who went to foreign colleges and now speaks with the accent of their highly paid teachers.
The only thing I could do was finish my meal fast and get out. My soul felt trapped and wanting to migrate to a zone where I didn't care anymore, where I'm above the silly pretendance of a smoke and mirrors society, and not being hurt by it's chin ling bling attitude anymore. And that is a drag of irony.
It takes a serious shot of reality to remain sane and positive. Most of the time I give in to anger or mild depression. But in that restaurant I learnt something that night that sooner or later you're going to have to pack up and leave. No place is your home. It doesn't matter. The world is a filed of corns, as it says in the gospel of Optimism.
SC:My fiancé is aboard studying. She’s in her last year doing medicine.
SC/GG/ in the story the sanctimonious sentiments are caused by loneliness.
Ishh: thank you my friend (:
Well said and presented i must say.. Forget everything, i suggest u take up writing i am sure you will make big ;)
Why on earth you are bothered about what others are doing with their life??
Western: 100% mine (: but thanks (:
For once, I really liked one of your post marco! lol...
is it yours or just found it somewhere? In both case. Very well written.
"young and good looking ho's"... I think they didnt exist in Qatar...
something tells me he is not that innocent... as he looks... lol
Nice story
bb ,, You naughty man ,, Don't spoil the Innocent kids :p
Should we check out the happy hours today Marco?...
Tonight I am single and ready to mingle...
Two questions
Why r u eating alone at a fancy place on Eid..where is ur fiancee?
Why so judgemental of ppl who u havent even spoken to?
Let's not talk about the story itself
You have a very nice Narrative style, I like the way you write, such a strange text :)
Keep it up Amigo
But for sure they don't like it when you hold up a mirror to their decadence.
folks it's just a story ye, so just chill out. Ok (:
sure seems to be a page from realistic novels....
nice find anyways.
The world is a filed of corns, as it says in the gospel of Optimism.
but you sure seems to be a pessimist...
who are you anyway to judge who's in there? mind your own business. are those people affecting or giving you problem?
So the restaurant was filled with gold diggers and douche bags....
Yet you were the only one in there alone.....
Could it be because you seems you think yourself superior to everyone? Just a thought