Mars One announces Round 2 Astronaut Selection Results

Across the globe, 1058 hopefuls have been selected as candidates to begin human life on Mars in 2025. On December 30, 2013, Mars One announces the selection of the candidates from the applicant pool of over 200,000 hoping to establish human life on Martian soil. Mars One co-founder Bas Lansdorp describes the remaining 1058 candidates as our first tangible glimpse into what the new human settlement will truly look like. Lansdorp says “We’re extremely appreciative and impressed with the sheer number of people who submitted their applications. However, the challenge with 200,000 applicants is separating those who we feel are physically and mentally adept to become human ambassadors on Mars from those who are obviously taking the mission much less seriously. We even had a couple of applicants submit their videos in the nude!” -
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I am one of the 1058 people that made it to round 2,over 265,000 applied for #marsmission by @MarsOneProject pls helps us
Thanks. :))))
we missed you too LL :)
I missed you all :) thanks.
yes you are right but we or they will get used to it..
That's right Thelonius. It takes about 20 minutes in each direction for radio communication to travel from Earth to Mars. So you'll always be behind on the QL threads by almost an hour.
By the way Thelo, it is been days I logged into QL.
Lol Brit. :) very funny but You made a very important point.. who is going to control ? Law rules visa..
Thlo.. I am not sure I will make it to next round but those who will made it will have internet access in Mars as well. They can talk to their family friends through internet. However there is no way out discovered yet unless an alien bring them back to earth.
Lol Yasir. :)
Boxbe (--)
blank stare
why Suzanne was smiling all the time... :/
@brit: Lolz... :D
I can't wait for the first post - "Help Needed - I am on a visit visa to Mars and need to convert it to a RP. Where can I do the blood test? Will I have to come back to Earth for it or can I go to Alpha Centauri"
I would love to go to Mars. Please forward me the nude videos at the earliest