London detour worth the trip

A Dubai-based business consultant who flew to London to get the new iPhone 4 has described the trip as being "absolutely worth it".
Alex Lee, 27, spent over 32 hours at the head of the line outside Apple's flagship store on London's Regent Street last week. But he had to wait as Apple gave pre-order customers priority.
Lee, who specially rearranged his flight home to Canada via London, purchased four iPhone 4s in the UK taking the total cost of his trip to over £4,000 (Dh22,123).
He said: "Everybody has a passion and mine is meeting people from around the world. I am a very social person and these launches break down barriers between cultures. Everybody in the line has something in common so it is very easy to make friends. I also made some great business contacts.
"Furthermore, I really like the product. It is superior to every other phone on the market including previous generation iPhones. The new model features video conferencing so I can use the camera to speak to people all over the world."
Lee, who was accompanied by his sister, has attended over ten Apple product launches and says the camaraderie is always fantastic.
"The atmosphere in the queue was great; people kept your place if you had to go to the bathroom and everybody took turns to buy food and drink. We also had free Wi-fi internet access courtesy of Apple. The weather in London was ok but coming from the heat of Dubai it still felt pretty cool and damp in the evenings," Lee said.
Lee was not too despondent at failing to be the first person to get hold of the new iPhone 4 despite being first in line. However, he has contacted Apple CEO Steve Jobs about the incident.
Passion is the quickest to develop, and the quickest to fade.
Passion knows no limits :)
Khanan...No, never sold them in black.... I am good boy from childhood..:)
He could have had mine .. :O)
Got to give the guy credit for following his passion. Not many of us get the opportunity to do that ...
Tum bachpan se hi asiay hu :P
Translation : you are like this from infanthood :P
Reminds me of my school / college days when I used to do that to buy the movie tickets for the first show.