Issues at work

By ronstevenson18 •
I have an issue at work , there is a collegaue named (withheld) he keeps talking and annoying me. I cannot concentrate on my work , what do i do ? He is indian. Please help me.
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Lol Zan.dro. Maybe the other dude annoys him because he is attracted to the OP. Winking might just be the cherry on on top of a chocolate fudge cake.
There a simple solution to your issue. The next time he comes around, tell him you are attracted to him and wink. ;)
or use that locked iphone of yours and listen to some music.
wear a set of headphones and put up a notice asking people to keep noise down to a minimum :o)
Ronstevenson....don't you think you are insulting your intelligence with such a post? You are a banker from a developed country and you cannot deal with your Indian colleague who keeps talking? You come here to ask for an advice? Talk to your other colleagues at work, go to HR or tell him nicely he is disturbing you.
why do you guys feed the troll?
its all about giving and taking these days
Captian he is a male then how he will resing and sit home and take care of his "Husband"
Ho I confused....
Quit your job... sit home and take care of ur husband/Partner .. BEST SOLUTION !!
P.S: You cant be a MAN!!!
ohhh! do you want me to call your mom to come over to stop Denzil from talking and annoying you?
ignore ..
visit click here
ignore ..
visit click here
You and Rons :)
Why dont you try Cotton or Cork?
how many gay boys are here today?????
Really interesting post - thanks for sharing .................. dumb sh1t!!
wat a joke
this is what i love in makes my day B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L....(according to Jim Carrey) :)
Happy Weekend To All dudes with sense of humor.
may be in such case, the spiral hole is not inverted... and you have to come from another angle... ;)
are we talking of the star of "Book of Eli"?
What is the meaning of Scrwing from Behind? nothing found in wiki ):
this is meaning of screw,A metal object used to hold other metal (usually) objects together. It works with a spiral tip that you twist and turn into an inverted spiral this sentence is grammatically correct???Screw you guys...
I enquired about Denzil, but currently he is holding a Canadian passport, so how he become an Indian.
which pet animal you have Monkey or Donkey ?
Ron,u can't handle this person for a simple matter,take miss.damsel advice... cheer up! :-)
Ruby, feeling so... but you know Pappu boys complain too much :(
to,LP,Flor and inge..... what a weekend... :-)
is he from this world?
LOL ...
Buy for him a lolly pop.....
Be frank! tell him upfront to stop talking with you because you cannot concentrate on your work or perhaps you two could have your chit chats after work (?)
foot here in Qatar. First you had bad vibratin about your house, then you felt cheated about the cellphone, now you are annoyed by a colleague.
I think you need to stop for a while and re-think everything. Try to refresh yourself and your mind and when you feel peaceful, then go back in facing the world.
Rip him off.
What has Indian got to do with this?
Now bashing will start.