Interracial relationships

Interracial relationships are viewed as a positive step towards smoother race relations by some; as "sellout" behavior and a denial of racial heritage by others.
* "Will the races be "diluted," the children confused, the cultures compromised?
The couples interviewed for this subject had much to consider before taking the plunge.
They were often wary, and sometimes frightened, but ultimately they said their life decisions were dictated by the simplest, strongest reality.
Title: Interracial Couples Carve Out New Identities for Themselves
Author: Leslie Dreyfous
"As I explained to my family, this is the woman I love, who just happens to be white," said a black husband.
"What we do is for us--not for what other people judge us by."
Please share your thoughts, opinions and experiences with interracial dating and interracial marriage.
eager to stay living together with friendly women in qatar..
With all due respect , some of us like long finger nails and leather trousers..
Him(black) + Her(white) = 10 votes
Him(white) + Her(black) = 5 votes
(a better taken photo regardless of the meaning)
"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the
longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."
Frankly I don't think this vote is fair. The chick in picture 2 has fingernails that would give most people the willies.
2 is getting less votes.. Good....
We get best of the black chicks.....
Latin American shall be counted as not white right??
that is Black.. JeLo..... we look good together..... :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Him(black) + Her(white) = 9 votes
Him(white) + Her(black) = 5 votes
Drac I only vote for number 1 cause the girls fingernails in number 2 freak me out.
Brown + Light Brown is better and more tastier. Just like the differents in eating wild chicken and reared chicken.
i like your blue post drac...
Him(black) + Her(white) = 8 votes
Him(white) + Her(black) = 5 votes
i'll vote for #1...
MyHotComments +
Him(black) + Her(white) = 6 votes
Him(white) + Her(black) = 5 votes
Ummjake, thanks for sharing your insight into Qatari society.
I must make a confession about my sins. Every time I see you I have butterflies in my
marriages are more of a problem for those that see the negative side of culture and religion joining up.
We all have something to offer.
It works if two people really love each other. It stands the same chance, (I think), as those that are from the same culture/religion.
It's hard work to make any relationship work but if you truly are IN LOVE, it works.
I will hoist that up the flag pole and see who salutes it!!
my parents are in an interracial relationship, and so as i am presently in too. its way more complicated than that of the same race for obvious reasons. takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice coz of what people say. i just like to commend that brilliant quotation, "What we do is for us--not for what other people judge us by.".
Drac........ 1
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
Smoki - I am not forcing her...
I jus want her vote to be counted... else it goes Void...
Its bloody obvious tht both are the same things....
But still Don wan a Vote to get wasted.... :)
Democracy.. every vote important.... JAGO Voters Jago.....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
"Times are a changin"... ALL OVER THE WORLD..
Racism is part and parcel of daily life everywhere.. It would be very naive of us to say otherwise. It is more cultural than religious..
However, looking back at the past two decases, I can see the changes that have come about. Inter racial relationships are becoming commonplace and more acceptable..
I am sure that the same will happen here..
THANKS, britex, for reminding the original subject
lol Brit you are so observant...
Methinks that as your biological clock ticks down, your inner feelings are begining to surface..:)
The original posting did not mention "marriage" , just relationships..
else's partner has? To me, it's like sexual orientation or anything else -- it's their private business so nobody else's opinion or voice really matters.
I have two sisters that are biracial. I have dated black men (I am white). And like PM, I grew up in the south of the US. My sisters would catch a lot of crap from people, and I know that must have been tough for them, but they survived.
I have to say, though, that I was completely flabbergasted when I discovered how racist people are here. I guess I just assumed that the whole "brotherhood of Islam' stuff was the bottom line. And it's not. Here in Qatar at least, culture is a lot stronger than religion in many things, and race is one of them. My (white) Qatari friends would never allow their sisters to marry a black Qatari -- which I find amazing. One friend has a brother who was basically cut off from the family when it was found out he had married a black Qatari divorcee. I mean, she's Muslim, she's Qatari -- not sure really if the main complaint was because she was black, a divorcee, or because his mom didn't get to choose his wife. But how bizarre and sad is that??
I have another Qatari friend whose father had a black slave woman (a concubine basically) that he shared with his brother up until about 20-30 years ago -- and he fathered a child by her, eventually married her and gave the child his name.
"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou
Thanks :P
How could I forget that you are born to be a spinster in this world. But I sure would ask for your hand when I see you in Hell. lol
:P You see this is why you're going to hell, not the interracial marriage. :P
Give you away in Marriage?
SHHHHHHHHH Uk! Don't give me away ;)
You be last person on Earth to be a Nazi lol..
But you are a rebel without a cause?
Gypsy needs some long discourse in anthropology, I think. Someone should elaborate.
Yes UK. I'm a HUGE Nazi! Hitler was my great-great uncle. :P
You can't teach experience...
So Gypsy is promoting Nazism? lol Rights for whites lol
If your White, your alright
If your Black, stay back
If your brown stick around.
That would be okay right???
N blond hair???
You can't teach experience...
We are the Arayan race :P Or the Caucasian or something like that.
Gypsy I didn't know All whites are the same race.
No. Hell Vegas Hell.
You can't teach experience...
You can't teach experience...
As long as they are both white it's ok.
I dont care, dear Gypsy!
I am already in the Hell.
Come to visit us sometime...:)
You can't teach experience...
Damn right. But come on, you were going for more reasons then just that!
So Gypsy you've assigned me to
Yup. Serves you right! Blasphmous bastard!
You can't teach experience...
Him(black) + Her(white) = 5 votes
Him(white) + Her(black) = 5 votes
I think interracial marriages are wrong and against God. Everyone who "mixes their race" should burn in Hell.
well said PM... can i vote for both drac? :P
You can't teach experience...
AshwinDork! what are you going on about here? why are you forcing her to choose? Black male/white female or Black female/white male does it make any difference? they are both termed as interracial relationships. Ok option 3 Brown Male with White female :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
zhyiellha - Ya ya again the Philosophy...
You speak you listen you think...
But when you see a match.. its better you pick a side... and support..
By supporting none.. you might not feel sad for being defeated..but neither would you enjoy the joy of winning.....
Its jus if you had to chose anyone.. which one it would be.....?
Toss a coin n choose if its tht diff..
And if you don wan to.... Don't.... Its Democracy.. right of not voting is always there....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Coming from a very mixed family now, I must admit I found it very difficult to find any difference in the photos because I was not looking for anything.
Ash,we speak on our tongue, we speak on our mind but we choose on our heart with the Help of our philosophical knowledge through our Mind....... then tell me now if you dont used it!!!
Why I need to choose wherein there's only two choices and I don't want to pick any....
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
zhyiellha - This ain't a philosophy forum...
Jus pick a Side.. anyone... and add a vote... No sweet n sugar coated talks...
Truth... If only the options were there and you had to pick any one... which one???
toxic_nurse - Ya.. White Guyz are Dumb.. they think they can get wht they want with Money... But we Asians get it without paying a Dihram... :) and Gals like it.. Now whoz better ????
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
If you love a person, you dont have to look on his/her nationality, race religion etc.. You love him/her because of who she/he is.. No boundaries on Love.. Love conquers all ..
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
I like No 2 more.
All is fair in love and war....????
Drac I go for 1 black are big.
nothing is fair in love and war.......
some white guys see asians girls like a thing that they can buy and own and do whatever they want.
sorry to good white guys out there!
All is fair in love and war....????
Him(White) + Her(Black) -> +1
I wont be classified as a Black or White...
Ya.. I am Sexy Chocolate Brown... :)
And these Black chicks are really good.... Hot hot hot... If carry themselves properly....
And the Gene Science says - Black Complexion is a Dominant trait than the White one...
Medically superior... it is ...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Him(black) + Her(white) = 3 votes
Him(white) + Her(black) = 2 votes
as britex said :
"Our personal perceptions suppose" valid!
I just asked all my friends and colleagues and all 200 voted for "2". They loved the nails :))
Hold on you cant count balddogs vote he voted on the quality of the picture so its void!!!
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Him(black) + Her(white) = 3 votes
Him(white) + Her(black) = 1 vote
Focus balddogs, its not the picture quality but what the picture stands for! lol
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Yep dracy i know your choice and damn good one too i might add :p so if i must vote i'd say no. 2 :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I like photo #1. It's a little crisper and the lighting is better :o)
. know my choice.
now..your vote?
You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in!
I'm lost..
Why is 1 more acceptable than 2 ?? Our personal perceptions suppose..
Drac does it really matter if He's black and she's white or vice versa? I'm all for any sorta relationship as long as the two people have mutual understanding and respect for each other. I always say life is too short to live it according to what people's expectations are. This your your ONLY life to live make the best of it.
Now for my joke: I'm all for these Salt and Pepper relationships coz they make "chocolate" offspring's
hmmmm ok perhaps i could have re-phrased that better oh well kiss my furry Kat bum!
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Him(black) + Her(white) = 2 votes
Him(white) + Her(black) = 0 vote
You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in!
What's the difference ?
Him(black) + Her(white) = 1 vote
Him(white) + Her(black) = 0 vote
You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in!
You are fortunate and lucky to have such a person in your life.
number 1
I will hoist that up the flag pole and see who salutes it!!
Which photo do you like more:
Overall, Americans are probably the least racist of the peoples I have met - apart from scandanavians.
Having said that, I have worked and lived with a few racist Americans in my time. Perhaps the areas/people you lived in were more accepting and educated.
Religion is only No1 to those who are religious.
Culture becomes an issue in closeknit societies / families.
Attitudes will always be in there somewhere..
It's strange really. Growing up in the 60s I was friends with a Pakistani boy. The only one in our town. Nobody really thought anything of it.
Then the first Black woman turned up with a white husband. She was a great woman to get on with (I used to help the milkman so I knew everyone!). Her daughter is a stunning mocca. Wonder where she is now? :o)
# PRO No.1 = LOVE
"What we do is for us--not for what other people judge us by."
Over the years I have known many inter racial relationships and couples. The above is becoming more valid now , then a few years ago.
Love is what brings us together and binds us. However, other factors such as religion, culture, family, beliefs, attitudes can have a major affect on the relationship.
I believe that interracial relationships will continue to bcome more acceptable, but may never become the norm.
You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in!
I think that the main issue could be about religion.
Drac, you've got me all wrong on this one. I'm all for the great big melting pot. Stick in all the people, stir it around a bit and out pops a new person of indiscrimate race, creed, culture, that everyone else can get along with. No more racism. Every one can only call each other the same - "hey you, muddy!"
geez, baldrick...c'mmon ..:)
You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in!
I'm all for it. I've had enough of fat white girls. Give me a cute little Asian girl any day :o)